Questin regarding accounts

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by testg, Jun 5, 2003.

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  1. testg

    testg Guest

    Ok i've got teh nod32 in January of 2003 (I think) but since you have been running a Beta program for a few months I feel like I've made a mistake by purchaseing the program in that time frame. I could have waited a month and gotten myself a Beta V2 for free and use the beta account untill June 15th and then pay for the service. Are the registered users going to receive and extended subscription service due to the beta testing phase?

  2. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    I cant answer for Eset testg, but I doubt it very much, you have payed for a license for a product which is still the current release, you chose to use the beta program which is for beta testing purposes. When V2 is officially rolled out all v1 users will be entitled to a free upgrade to it with continued support, not a bad deal I think you'll agree.

  3. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi testg,

    sorry, we don't plan to do this.

    Thanks for the understanding. :)

  4. mrtwolman

    mrtwolman Eset Staff Account

    Dec 5, 2002
    Hm.... You paid for regular version (full licence). Beta version has beeen released to catch all possible bugs before commercial launch. regular version for money and beta for free are two independent things ....
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