Thanks, i like it too. I'm intrigued by those evolvements beyond imagination, and think about the people creating all that. See several of those super quantum things steering thousands of other systems as their clients, and imagine several possibilities and governments interests and laws to enable this for them and no concurrence of others with the same ideas (the kazaa take-over distributed computing plans were only "small" in relation to this thinking). Found in my ng a posting about the opposite as well, the basic of first communication: 110011001100. Language Link Between Computers, Primordial Life Found By Judy Lee 12-28-2 (ANI) Scientists have established that the language used by first creatures on earth is probably the same as the language used in modern computers. A team from California arrived at the conclusion after studying the genetic code of ancient creatures. For four decades, scientists have discussed whether primordial life used the simplest kind of genetic code when it first emerged four billion years ago. The new work, reported in The Telegraph, supports this theory, suggesting that the very first life was based on a code that was much simpler than the DNA code which provides the genetic recipe for our bodies. Like a modern computer, the first genetic code was written in a binary - consisting of two genetic "letters" of the genetic material RNA - rather than the four of DNA that now spell out the recipe of humans and almost all other life on the planet. "The notion of a primordial, two-letter genetic system has been discussed extensively in the literature and we thought it would be worthwhile to show that this is bio-chemically feasible," said Prof Gerald Joyce, who published the work in Nature with his colleague at the Scripps Research Institute, Dr John Reader. The team shows that it is possible to have a life-like chemistry based on two chemical building blocks. These blocks can create an enzyme which in turn can manipulate the same building blocks so they can mutate and evolve. Although their work falls short of proving that life started this way, it shows it is possible to have Darwinian evolution using a code containing only two distinct genetic letters. (ANI) Copyright © 2001 ANI-Asian News International. All rights reserved Besides this i'm very much interested in Artificial Intelligence of course, since i realize for instance viruses can be created to communicate and add new code to their load and transmute in new versions, not only organic stuff and viruses, but also the kind we try to keep out of our computer systems. Those systems could decide to create a computer system to their liking and conditions and all that.. imagine...... who knows if such processes slip into the quantum computers ... ... I think lot of science fiction thinking is necessary to understand the great lines, realizing that lot is not fiction at all!
Now there's a truly disturbing thought. Actually, Mr. Blaze, if you read the article closely, I'm sure you noticed the 'secret code' dead ringer give away. It's obvious from the Almaden reference (and from the looks of that thing - I mean, come know he's putting in the super-charged fermentation pellets, don't you?) that since they can't quite figure out a practical computing use for it right now, some of the guys in the back decided to use it to crank out a quantum potent chablis chardonnay. They're probably working on the marketing aspects as we speak. I bet if you came up with a catchy slogan they'd gladly give you a lifetime supply of free miniatures, like the ones they sell on the airplanes. (Maybe even put your logo on one.) sk
"The first element of a device that many believe holds the best hope for quantum information processing has been completed by Australian researchers, while an Austrian team has reported the first truly quantum calculation. The achievements go some way to dispelling the widely-held idea that doing anything useful with quantum computing is decades or even centuries away."
Well, yeah, if you wanna get technical. But I don't know; I wouldn't be so quick to turn my nose up at the chablis chardonnay.
Proud but not surprised, Jooske - Aussie scientists, just like other scientists, are developing interesting things every day. Recently a team from the National University in Canberra became the first team (beating others including NASA) to successfully launch a SCRAM jet -- a rocket that 'breathes' air rather than burning fuel, and flies faster than the speed of sound. But quantum computing interests me mainly in one field - quantum cryptology, which will not only break currently secure systems such as RSA (by calculating enormous numbers very quickly), but it will also make truly unbreakable encryption a reality (one-time pads are also truly unbreakable, but highly unpracticle). It will also allow the creation of money that can't be counterfitted. There's an excellent chapter on this in Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography, see our Books section for a discount up to 30% Best regards, Wayne
SK, it's Chardonnay these days, especially the white Australian is excellent (in "innerpeace.ss3" just mentioned Australian white wine). Think the quantum computers have many possibilities and large projects as cryptology will make it really interesting, as well as other kinds of trojan/worms protection (larger possible too and very tiny little ones with lots of impact) -- this i say from intuition, did not read the books yet. I see AI coming very close in this area as a reality. Saw recently some parts on tv scientists built computers faster then the human brain. I wonder, but ok. In the articles example there is the quantum computer for example scanning both sides of a coin at once, which i think our human brain can't in normal way or we need extra senses like eyes and fingers at a time, but such a computer can do more of course. What interests me is of course storage of unbelievable much data, which can be connected in ways we never thought of and a fastness beyond imagination. And it would become even more interesting if the computer comes with suggestions about combinations and other possibilities, etc.
At this stage in the 'evolution' of the human race, I'd be happy to see ANY "I" emerge, be it AI or not. Triple electron entanglement boosts quantum computing Surfed on the quantum computing again; on that same page also a link to quantum cryptology which interests you so much Wayne, even describes they can now show and proof it, not just theoretical on paper.
Where can I put my name on the waiting list for the first Quantum Computers to be retailed? I want one.