Q's re Rollback RX Pro

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by chetcope, Sep 10, 2008.

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  1. chetcope

    chetcope Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Hello, I'm 9 days into a trial of HorizonDataSystem's RollbackRX Pro.

    I have 3 questions.

    1.) I have been surprised that the snapshots take up so much space (the promos say they take up negligible space!).

    On my 150 GB 'C' drive I had 49 GB in use before the install.
    I also defragged prior to the install.

    Today (9 days later) 'C" has 57.4 GB in use and I don't download music, vids etc. onto this PC: It's my work at home PC. Lots of Word & Excel work, internet roaming, etc. I run CCleaner often. I've had Rollback run its defrag too.

    I currently have 7 snapshots including the baseline (I've deleted several).
    The baseline was 220 MB...the others run 700 MB to 1.2 GB (& one is 2.4 GB!!). Most snapshots have been in the 1.2 GB range.

    Otherwise I like Rollback: Glad to find a Vista 64 bit program to replace the dearly missed GoBack I used for years on XP!

    2.) I have a 2nd Vista PC (500 GB) on which I do a lot of movie editing (the raw edits can run 25 GB). There's lots of deleting huge files too,

    Given the amount of space Rollback snapshots take I'm wondering how practical it would be to install it on this PC. Any thoughts? Or what would you suggest? (It's an HP Media PC from a big box store so I do not have the Vista install disks).

    3.) HorizonData's Rollback Forums seem to be (by design) non-working. This is maddening.
    Am I correct that Wilders seems to be the best place to go for community help on Rollback?


    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  2. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Hi Chet

    This is a case of, slightly misleading advertising on HDS's part, needing to understand how Rollback works, and common sense.

    When you take a new snapshot with Rollback, all it does is create an internal table of the disk structure. That indeed does use negligible space. But common sense says if you add 1 gb of data to that snapshot, you are going to use up 1 gb of your disk. How could it be otherwise.

    So what HDS is talking about is the space taken by the snapshot mechanism which is indeed negligible. True, but misleading to a degree.

  3. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    Yeh i've also found that rollback snapshots seem to be a lot larger in size with vista64. I've contacted support and am currently trying to work with them to solve the issue. I can tell you the snapshots on a 32bit system are far smaller.

    On my system i have a system partition and a data partition. I have rollback setup to only protect the system partition which helps keep the snapshot sizes small.

    The forums are pretty sad i must say, if you need specific help you are better off submitting a ticket to the support center.

    PROROOTECT Registered Member

    May 5, 2008
    HERE ...Fort Lee, NJ
    The snapshot sizes on my Windows XP (32) : 117 Mb; 64.4 Mb; 74.5 Mb; 50.3 Mb; 52.5 Mb; 59.8 Mb etc. etc. I delete this ( blue ...) often ... ( on System Volume Information ).
  5. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    the same thing is happening to me with xp and eaz -fix 7.2.1.

    2 gbs lost in 5 days , i have just 4 gbs left on my c partition .
  6. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    You're running vista64?
  7. chetcope

    chetcope Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Good to know that a few others are wondering about the huge amount of space Rollback RX snapshots take & that it may be specfic to 64 bit (Vista & possibly XP) Machines. (Thanks farmerlee & raakii for your similar experiences with 64 bit & PROROOTECT for your XP-32 bit reference point [much smaller snapshots--tho he is protecting just his system files].

    Again I cannot understand why the incremental snapshots would be so large (1-2+ GB) when the baseline was 200MB. While I do work all day with Word & excell (creating & editing simple orders etc) & plus lot of internet cruising...it never amounts to 1 GB of changes: There are two users each with 1.5 GB of data in their respective doc files. The other user (besides me) only accesses the PC 1 day a week.

    Any software downloads are quickly moved to another drive & I do use CCleaner quite often.

    F.Y.I. following farmerlee's lead I put a support ticket into HDS & got this response back Sept 10 (a little helpful but basically a brush off answer):

    "Rollback will record all the data exchanges happen on the protected partition, it will also record the Internet temporarily files or so, which might waste some disk space. We are working on version to exclude system's temp files from protecting. And you may read more infomation from our kb articles on how Rollbakck use disk space.

    Please let us know if you have any question."
  8. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Not sure what other answer you would expect. If you really think it a problem with the program, you are going to have to document specific steps with the results.

    For example. Your drive is using 200mb. You add a 10mb file, and now you are using 1gb. But just describing your work habits proves nothing.

  9. Baldrick

    Baldrick Registered Member

    May 11, 2002
    South Wales, UK
    Hi Chet

    Have just uninstalled GoBack 4.0 from my XP system and have started a trial of Rollback Rx Professional 8.1 so have some interest in this.

    Have set snapshots to run every hour whilst the PC is on and so far the snapshot value (9 snaps) is 871Mb. This is a bit of an experiment to see what happens in terms of disk space used as the Delete Unlocked Snapshots option (under Program Settings) is set = 7 days.

    What I expect to happen is that disk space is used up and then in 7 days Rollback will start to delete older snapshots, except for the baseline which is locked of course. No whilst the amount of space that a snapshot uses will be governed by what you do between snapshots I think that eventually one will settle down into a rough routine of consumed disk space.

    No, if I recalled correctly, GoBack use to reserve a specific amount of disk space for its use when running? On my machine I believe it was about 4.5Gb and therefore that will be my base line; I am therefore currently better off in terms of disk space used and it will be interesting to see what the comparison is at the end of 7 days when Rollback starts getting rid of unlocked snapshots.

    Also, at least how long you kep a snapshot is in your control, ie, extend the period before unlocked snapshots are deleted (question of available disk space) or lock any key ones that you want to keep long than the pre-delete period. IMHO this is better than GoBack that had no locking feature AND just overwrote the earliest information when the reserved space was filled. I found that with GoBack that generally happened after about 3 days...which sometimes was a pain, and the only way around it was to uninstall GoBack (looses back ups and therefore defeats the object) and reinstall with a non default avlue for the reserved space.

    Am keeping an open mind at present despite the fact that my boot time with Rollback has increased from 30-45 seconds to just over 2 minutes, which is a pain, but I have logged ticket on this as requested by Support as they have stated in the Knowledge Base that 1-3% of users could suffer from this (was originally much higher but they resolved this for the majority with the release of v8.1) so hope that they can find a solution for me.

    Anyway, these are my thoughts so far. Keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on with the product...first impressions are that it is better/faster (except boot) than GoBack.

  10. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    Removing the synchronized files will do the trick for u.
  11. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    Yeh i believe the synchronizing adds significant boot up time. I actually use a seperate unprotected partition for storage instead.
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