Hi there I made some own research about keeping email bots away from email addresses. Here it is , tell me if I am totally wrong ok. But it seems working for me. If you have to publish your email address you can as well type youremail[AT]somewhere, or as it goes as html mailto:youremail[AT]somewhere. Clicking it opens up email application whatever it is. There the address must be specified and change [AT] as @. Try it , you like it. ( you can leave [ ] away. ) There are free java scripts available for keeping your email address secret too: <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin script username="username" at="@" domainname="domainname.com" text="text here" title="hover text here" document.write("<a href='mailto:"+username+""+at+""+domainname+"' title='"+title+"'>"+text+"<\/a>") // End script --> </script> all the best -Ari indeed, take a look @ my profile
Hi Krusty, Here's a thread with some more tips regarding this subject: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=3828;start=0 Regards, Pieter
Hi Krusty, Here a easy way to protect your addy against robots : http://www.digipills.com/cerbermail/intro.php (sorry, it's in French) Just put your address to protect in the field, then clix transformer and copy the shortcut. For instance, here is my anti-spam addy as it appears on my sites and on Forum and NG : http://www.cerbermail.com/?jFCmRVIlO5 Just click on it and it opens your mail client for answer with the uncrypted address. Rgds,
Jack Very pretty ! I still wonder how smart bots can be built. For example they can be built searching for encrypted email addresses ? In that case it might be more secure to type it just email[AT]hotmail.com, well I am not an expert but ..... regards -Ari
Hi Ari, I have no clue of a bot able to decrypt it (based on a DB on the W3) and it does not look like as an Email for the bots but the smart bots are able to retrieve your real addy with such tricks as "AT", "REMOVE", "nospam", etc... Cheers,
But ofcourse Jack... You are right, absolutely right. "Smart" bot even detects those encrypted email addresses because your email program does it as well. This was exactly I thought at first. If a bot was set to detect "mailto=" tag. Everything is possible in this world So better not to type email address anywhere. I leave my hotmail address visible, ´coz it has spam filter on, besides that is my oldest email address and receiving all spam . -Ari ps. Have the very best weekend
Krusty How else can we check all those cool new e-mail filters if we don't get all that spam ? LOL Since 911 there has been a huge improvement in keyword detection I don't think enough time is being spen on this huge issue here at all I am getting worried.
That javascript has been working well enough for me, but some bots still get the address. Why they would bother harvesting the address of someone who is obviously not interested in spam is beyond me. For those interested in revenge against harvester spammers, check out http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/harvest_project/ For those running their own web site and who have PHP support installed on their site's server, you can try this script that I just started using. http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/downloads/stuff/phpemail.zip I tried putting the script here with the code function, but the script executed anyway. Yet Another yaBb se Bug. You would insert it into your page like this: Code: <?php require("mailform.php"); ?> mailform.php being the filename containing nothing but the script. Or if you don't want your contact page to have a .php extension, you can just create a hyperlink to the mailform.php page. I've put this on my contact page at http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/contact.html and have yet to figure out how to get my email address from that. I even tried typing the URL to the file in notetab to make it load the source code, and the server refused me access to it. Of course, not even the most stubborn spammer would go to all that trouble
Mike That script I call kewl. thank you -Ari ps. damn, I use Opera browser and the emoticons script is forbidden lol
Hey Mike I already joined the harvester project; some time ago, that I call the real thing. Thank you sir for that project. But I have another thing I have been awake for....that php email. It works ok but I just don´t get how to link it right to get it shown....plain script "phpemail.php" is on the site and the link from a page is just normal href tag ok. I handle html on geocities filemanager and I am not a beginner but nor advanced at html....another thing I keep on wondering is how do I insert my email address on that php ? that it would be there for a visitor. php script doesn´t need html tags at all ? dang this php thingy is taking all my brain capasity. Kill me now. best regards -Ari
Mike I just wanted to know isn´t that script just for sending email to you, there is information in it that you are the author and so on, and how it is possible to send email to me; there is no place to insert my email address in it.......that a visitor on my site would be allowed to send email to me. I´m not a rocketeer but it really is that way, I need my own php email form; I already found couple. Don´t you agree ? By the way, is that so important anyway, I receive spam so much I do not care about emails . friendliest yours -Ari
You're asking how do you get it to send email to you? Change that file to mailform.php if you haven't. I didn't mean to save it as a .txt like I did. But first, open it in notepad and look for these lines: $tomail="username@domain.com"; $subject="Feedback Form Comment"; Change the first to your address and the second to whatever subject line you want you want it to have when it mails out to you. The visitors will see neither of these. The email will contain this in the body when you get an email: Name: Mike Email: mike@spywareinfoforum.com Comments: Message Save it as mailform.php and then link to it on your site. Code: <a href="http://www.yoursite.com/mailform.php">Click here to email me</a>
Mike But ofcourse !!!! How stupid I was, lol. I tried to modify php file ......instead I was suppose to modify txt file, sure on notepad, that is familiar to me. Linking is alright ... Thank you Sir -Ari