PSA: Posting your running achievements online could reveal more than you intend

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by guest, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    PSA: Posting your running achievements online could reveal more than you intend
    August 10, 2020
  2. AlphaForce

    AlphaForce Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2020
    This is the all too ignored risk of posting anything with location services enabled. We have been warned about how these benign features can easily be exploited by bad actors. From Foursquare, Snap Chat and Instagram to Twitter and Facebook and now the Strava app, our lives are now more public than ever. With a few clicks and a little patience, nearly anyone with the time and persistence can stitch together a behavior profile of many of our lives. These apps do give you the ability to keep the geo tags disabled, but all the while encourage you to share your location. I guess the real issue is what are we comfortable with sharing? Has this society become so comfortable with social media expression that the risk of compromise is worth the reward of real time posted content? IMO, I think we will continue to run down this path until the apps make it difficult to be so careless. (2013) (2020)
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