Protocols are not saved

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by f11, Jan 29, 2006.

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  1. f11

    f11 Guest

    Hi folks,

    Suddenly discovered that whatever scan I do, the protocols are not saved in NOD GUI. Tried re-install, uninstall and clean install but nothing has cured the protocols problem. Apart this, NOD works flawlessly. Using v2.50.41. Had not ever problem with this. Can any1 help?

    Thanks and regards,
  2. f11

    f11 Guest

    It's a strange thing since other protocols in System events tab, viruses protocols tab and in quarantine tab are saved, only protocols in the scanner protocols tab are missing. I tried different types of scan but no joy.

    It makes me crazy. Have some1 a clue?

  3. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003

    You might want to list your Operating system, graphics card, other security programs you are running or have run.

    The more info the better.
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    Check if the nod32 subfolder exists in program files\eset\logs and contains some files.
  5. f11

    f11 Guest

    To Ronjor:
    Having winXP pro SP1 with following real-time protection => SpywareBlaster, WinPatrol, Prevx, ZA Pro, ProcessGuard, NOD, Ad Muncher

    To Marcos:
    No, subfolder nod32 doesn't exist in program files\eset\logs. Only 2 *.dat files are there (virlog and warnlog)

    Thanks and regards,
  6. f11

    f11 Guest

    Everything's OK!!!

    I did more research and have found out that CrapCleaner was the culprit because he cleared log files but including sub-folder nod32 what resulted in no possibility to save log files due to missing sub-folder nod32.

    So, firstly I changed setting in CCleaner to clear only files inside the sub-folder without deleting the folder itself. Then I recreated the sub-folder in program files\eset\logs and tried a few scans ... and... logs are saved there.

    So, if using CCleaner, in "winapp2.ini" you should use the following parameter instead of the original:

    Hope to have helped you.
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