ProcessGuard or AppDefend?

Discussion in 'polls' started by sweater, Nov 30, 2005.


ProcessGuard or AppDefend?

  1. ProcessGuard

    0 vote(s)
  2. AppDefend

    0 vote(s)
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  1. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    I'm just curious as I have just read the websites from ghostsecurity the features and protection functions of AppDefend and it really acts or protects or almost the same w ProcessGuard (but I am not pretty sure)... and AppDefend even in their beta release looks a bit more advanced than ProcessGuard. :rolleyes:

    I am not an expert on testing different kinds of protection softwares but I wish someone or some people could test this two softwares in how and what they can really do in real world of protecting us.

    Which one would you choose? o_O
  2. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    Although your question as such is a valid one, putting up a poll at this very moment doesn't seem appropriate, if only for comparing Full Released software with Beta software. The poll has been closed.

    That said, for those interested in commenting on this subject despite the above mentioned, answers/posts are permitted for the time being. Only answers purely on topic will be tolerated though, otherwise we do have no option other then pulling this thread altogether.


  3. tuatara

    tuatara Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2004
    It is difficult already to compare these products at this very moment,
    and i expect that with future changes (on both)
    that they will stay different with a partly overlap.

    And it is always difficult to compare Anti Malware or Security products,
    because they always have a few things in common, but can also do different things or have different features.

    It is just like selecting a new car from models with almost the same price, all brands and models have things in common,
    but if you want to buy one, you have to choose.
    And whatever brand/model you will choose, a lot of people
    will agree in your decision, others will go for another brand.

    And if you (or me) are decided, and bought your product,
    you'll go for this, and don't like to hear negative things about the
    product YOU selected.

    i don't like product polls in general, because it only makes clear
    which product is the most populair for a certain group.

    And i prefer to see independent reviews.

  4. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    Ok... I understand that this was very early and probably not the right time to have a poll for this two softwares. AppDefend was still beta and still in development while ProcessGuard was matured enough for what its purpose to be .

    I am not really a techno guy, am just an ordinary surfer like the others and have the passion to learn more on how to be protected and safe while surfing the web and with lots of interesting softwares out there then I can or we the beginners can only rely on the knowledge of the experts and experiences of ordinary surfers. :cool:
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