Problem with installing Acronis Linux Agent, directly with snapapi kernel module

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Ryabov, Jun 2, 2008.

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  1. Ryabov

    Ryabov Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2008
    My system is FC3 Linux 2.6.9-1.667 #1 Tue Nov 2 14:41:25 EST 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux.
    I'm trying to install the Linux agent for TrueImage. During install (running as root), I get the message at the finish of installation:

    - snapapi kernel module load failed

    The file /var/log/trueimage-setup.log contains the following:
    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    Detected mdk10: 0x0000

    Detected mdk10: 0x0000

    Detected mdk: 0x0000

    Detected mdk: 0x0000

    Detected deb: 0x0000

    Detected deb: 0x0000

    Detected suse91: 0x0000

    Detected suse92: 0x0000

    Detected suse93: 0x0000

    Detected fc4: 0x0000

    Detected fc5: 0x0000

    Detected virtuozzo: 0x0000

    Detected virtuozzo: 0x0000

    Detected esx25: 0x0000

    Detected esx25: 0x0000

    Detected esx3: 0x0000

    Detected esx3: 0x0000

    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/acronis-glibc-1.0-0.
    finished with exit code 0
    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/AcronisAgentLinux-9.
    /usr/bin/chcon: /usr/lib/Acronis/Agent/*.so: No such file or directory
    finished with exit code 0
    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/dkms-2.0.16-1.noarch
    finished with exit code 0
    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/snapapi26_modules-0.
    finished with exit code 0
    Running 'rpm -e trueimage':
    error: package trueimage is not installed
    finished with exit code 256
    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/TrueImageAgent-9.5.8
    finished with exit code 0
    Running 'rpm -U --percent --force --nodeps /tmp/RPMS.mZQbKI/TrueImageSecZone-9.5
    finished with exit code 0
    glibc version is: 2.3.3

    Launching '/usr/sbin/dkms install -m snapapi26 -v 0.7.28 2>&1'.

    Error! DKMS tree does not contain: snapapi26-0.7.28
    Build cannot continue without the proper tree.

    Launching '/usr/sbin/dkms ldtarball --force --archive /usr/lib/Acronis/kernel_mo
    dules/snapapi26-0.7.28-all.tar.gz 2>&1'.

    Warning! This tarball was created with dkms < 2.0 and contains
    no arch info. DKMS will assume the arch: i686

    Loading tarball for module: snapapi26 / version: 0.7.28

    Loading /usr/src/snapapi26-0.7.28...
    Creating /var/lib/dkms/snapapi26/0.7.28/source symlink...

    DKMS: ldtarball Completed.

    Launching '/usr/sbin/dkms install -m snapapi26 -v 0.7.28 2>&1'.

    Error! Could not locate snapapi26.ko for module snapapi26 in the DKMS tree.
    You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.9-1.667 (i686) first.

    Preparing kernel 2.6.9-1.667 for module build:
    (This is not compiling a kernel, just preparing kernel symbols)
    Storing current .config to be restored when complete
    using presented .config
    make oldconfig..........
    make prepare-all.....................

    Building module:
    cleaning build area....
    make KERNELRELEASE=2.6.9-1.667 -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/build SUBDIRS=/var/li
    b/dkms/snapapi26/0.7.28/build modules......
    cleaning build area....
    Kernel cleanup unnecessary for this kernel. Skipping...

    DKMS: build Completed.
    exited with status 0.
    Launching '/usr/sbin/dkms install -m snapapi26 -v 0.7.28 2>&1'.
    Running module version sanity check.

    - Original module
    - No original module exists within this kernel
    - Installation
    - Installing to /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/kernel/drivers/block//

    - Original module
    - No original module exists within this kernel
    - Installation
    - Installing to /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/kernel/drivers/block//

    DKMS: install Completed.

    - snapapi kernel module load failed.

    Data file gui_config.english not found
    Data file gui_config.english not found

    Can you help me?
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello Ryabov,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Remote Server Backup Software.

    We are sorry for delayed response.

    Please make sure you use the latest build of the respective version of Acronis True Image. To get access to updates you should first register your software.

    If the latest build doesn't solve the problem, please try compiling the necessary modules manually. Please install the sources of your running kernel, find appropriate kernel config file and install all packages required for kernel building packages (like gcc, glibc-devel, etc.). You should be prompted about the necessary packages during kernel sources installation.

    Usually the snapapi kernel module should be built and installed with the "dkms" command. It can be performed with the following commands:

    # dkms build -m <MODULE_NAME> -v <MODULE_VERSION> \
    -k <KERNEL_VERSRION> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \
    --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES>

    # dkms install -m <MODULE_NAME> -v <MODULE_VERSION> \
    -k <KERNEL_VERSRION> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \
    --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES>

    <MODULE_NAME> must be "snapapi" for 2.4.x kernels or "snapapi26" for 2.6.x kernels.

    <KERNEL_VERSION> is the version of your running kernel. You can find it using

    # uname -r


    <MODULE_VERSION> can be detected by

    # ls /usr/src/snapapi*

    <CONFIG_FILE> is your kernel config filename. Usually this file can be found in the /boot directory.

    <KERNEL_ARCH> can be detected by

    # rpm -q --queryformat "%{ARCH}\n" kernel

    for RPM based distributions or by

    # uname -m

    for non-RPM based distributions.

    For details please refer to dkms man page (man dkms).

    After successful module building and installation you may try launching trueimage or trueimagecmd (see "man trueimagecmd") utilities or connect to the Linux agent from management console and check the functionality of the software. Respective kernel modules will be loaded automatically.

    If the issue persists, please collect some information to let us investigate it thoroughly:

    Please download the Linux System Report utility available here and do the following to create the report:

    - Unpack the archive: # tar xvf sysinfo.tar

    - Make the script executable: # chmod +x sysinfo

    - Run the executable: # ./sysinfo

    Then submit a request for technical support. Attach all the collected files and information to your request along with the step-by-step description of the actions taken before the problem appears and the link to this thread. We will do our best to investigate the problem and provide you with a solution.

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
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