problem hard drive, can it be fixed?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by HGVT, Jan 9, 2006.

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  1. HGVT

    HGVT Guest

    Oneday my HD stoped functioning, it wouldn't load.. gosh i forgot what it the screen said but it wouldn't load in safe mode or anything, it just do stuff like move text around then load, and then a message came up everytime (but darn it i forgot what it said) so i went to a HD manufactuer (compusa) and they couldn't fix it, (they still charged like 300 even tho they didn't fix a darn thing, but they said the orginal manu. can do it fro $1000 :( ) a couple months later i tried loading the HD via duel boot but i had a prob w/ it, it froze up, and couldn't open it via "my computer" drive f.. I know the files are still there.. (i hope!) is there another possible way to recover the files/fix the harddrive? anyone have an idea?
  2. adrianyujs

    adrianyujs Registered Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Kuala Lumpur
    it seem you hard disk completely corrupted and hard to repair. And i suggest you try format your hard disk using low level format or Zero-Fill format, I don't know where to get these tools, hope you can find it. After format it using special tools, see your hard disk is repaired or not.
  3. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    You could try SpinRite. I have once used this utility to fix a messed up drive. It took several jours but eventually it fixed the thing.
  4. adrianyujs

    adrianyujs Registered Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Kuala Lumpur
    it is better you try using an utility which perform scanning or format in Real-DOS-Mode. It is recommended.
  5. HGVT

    HGVT Guest

    I dont know where to find them either adrianyu..

    i'll try spinripe since i like grc and their software.. *crosses fingers*
  6. HGVT

    HGVT Guest

    oh is it free to try? i dont have credit card, or money. :(
  7. nick s

    nick s Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2002
    Hi HGVT,

    Without having more details about your system, I would try booting from a W2K or XP install CD and choose the Repair option. Once you are in the Recovery Console, type and execute chkdsk [drive letter] /r. If the drive is massively corrupted, this will probably fail though. At that point, SpinRite would be your best next step. It's not free and costs $89 US. If the drive corruption is hardware-related, SpinRite may fail as well. Your last resort then is a disk recovery specialist who will charge about $1,000 US to retrieve the contents of the drive.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  8. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Unfortunately, it's not free. It costs about 50 dollars I think. But maybe you can contact Steve Gibson, and explain your problem. Maybe he'll extend a one time courtesy and let you use the tool for one time recovery.

    EDIT: forget my quotation, someone quoted the right price; my, my aren't the prices changing!
  9. adrianyujs

    adrianyujs Registered Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Kuala Lumpur
    you can try Here.
    And I haven't try and don't know how to use it.
    And second is here. There is for Western Digital, Maxtor, Quantum and Seagate hard drive only, but I can't find your manufacturer utility. And some manufacturer software can support some hard disk. So, try it one by one.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
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