Problem doing a clean Windows XP Pro installation

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Khane, Nov 13, 2005.

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  1. Khane

    Khane Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2005
    Lately I decided to do a new full and clean installation of Windows XP Pro. I inserted my Windows XP Pro CD into the CD-ROM drive and rebooted my machine. After a few seconds as I expected I got the "Press any key to boot from CD…" message. I pressed the "Enter" key to enter the Windows XP Pro setup and ...SURPRISE ! After a few seconds I was sent back into my usual Windows XP desktop. I tried again the "Press any key to boot from CD…" message again... pressed any key (I tried the "Backspace" key this time )...and again I was kicked back to my Windows XP desktop. I tried again twice but went through the same loop again. As far as I know my machine is configured to start from the CD/DVD drive if a Windows XP CD in inserted inside; if not then I would never reach the "Press any key to boot from CD…" screen at all. To be 100% sure I checked my Bios Setup --> Bios Feature Setup and saw that the 1st Boot Drive was indeed the CD ROM drive.

    I then tried to do the installation like if I install any other program. From my desktop I opened the Windows XP disc and then...--> Install Windows XP --> New installation (from the drop down menu options ) --> License agreement screen --> Production Key screen --> Windows setup disc is installing a few components' screen...and so on until my machine rebooted automatically.

    Every thing was looking fine until I got a message telling me that the new Windows XP Pro OS will be installed into my D drive (partition). My hard drive has three partitions : C ( where my OS is installed ) , D and E. Apart the fact that all my backup files are in partition D, I want my OS to be install into partition C as usual and not in D or E. I saw that I may choose the possibility to install XP into an other drive than D ( the one automatically chosen by XP install program) and picked drive C as I wanted. I got a message telling me that XP cannot be installed in that partition since an other XP OS is already installed there. I opened my CD-ROM drive , took out the XP CD install disc and rebooted to get back into Windows to look for help in a message board but to my surprise I could not get back to my desktop but only to the DOS like XP setup screen ( in spite that the install disc was out the CD- ROM drive!). The only thing I could do to get back to my desktop was to insert back the Windows XP Pro CD into the CD-ROM drive and chose to "Repair Windows XP Pro". I am now back to my desktop writing these lines.

    Any idea why I cannot do a full installation and clean Windows XP Pro installation in spite that my computer is configured to start from the CD/DVD drive and how to slove the problem?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    How many CD / DVD drives do you have?
    Maybe you're inserting the disk in the wrong one.
    I have two drives, and even if I select boot from CD, if I place the disk in the tray of the secondary CD / DVD, I'll boot normally from HDD.
    Maybe this is your only problem.
    Check, if you have more than a single CD / DVD drive, that you place the disk in the correct one. If not, I'll try to think of something wild.
  3. Khane

    Khane Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2005
    Hi Mrkvonic,

    I have one CD RW drive and one DVD RW drive. I tried to do the job with the Windows XP Pro install disc once into the CD RW drive and the next time into DVD RW drive. Same result :'(

    The CD is the backup CD of my son's original copy. He tried the copied CD on his own PC before passing it to me and it worked fine on his computer

  4. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    In that case, maybe you have a defective drive. Do other disks work on this?
  5. zcv

    zcv Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2002
    Hello Khane,

    You have the option to format/partition using the XP setup cd prior to the install:

    The CD is the backup CD of my son's original copy.
    Is this XP cd already installed on another system?

    Regards - Charles
  6. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    My xp pro disc has to be in the disc drive when the comp is started to get it to do a complete install. It was like this when I bought the disc. and if the Os is installed on one comp already you are not allowed legally to install it on a second PC
  7. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    But that shouldn't prevent him from installing. That's what activation is for. Theoretically, he can install 67 different copies on different machines.
  8. AsianTiger

    AsianTiger Guest

    The problem lies with the copy of the XP cd. Whatever method you used to make the copied cd, it has not copied all the files from the original cd. i.e in your case it seems obvious to me that the copied cd has not got the requied boot files that are required for a boot cd (hence you are unable to boot with it). To copy these files you will need another software (I do know of one and if you want I will post a link to it). Whilst I am sure if you google you can get a step by step guide on how to do this.

    IMO Windows XP is a very good operating system and is worth purchasing if you want free go open source with Linux (openoffice 2 is out!).

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