Privacy, security fears about ID cards?'s digital bod has one simple solution: 'Get over it'

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by guest, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Privacy, security fears about ID cards?'s digital bod has one simple solution: 'Get over it'
    December 10, 2018
  2. deBoetie

    deBoetie Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2013
    Ignorance of the issues is hardly news for the here-today-gone-tomorrow apparatchiks. But in fact, it smokescreens over the reality that ID cards are not necessarily problematic of themselves, but certainly are when it comes to identity registers coupled with biometrics, run by unholy public-private partnerships.

    The messages here are indistinguishable from those touted by Jacqui Smith in 2008, whose Grand misguided scheme was only thwarted through an accident of politics. There was going to be a "perfectly safe" National Identity Register database. This included a huge amount of information tied to biometrics, accessible by a large number of institutions, and not owned in any meaningful sense by the subject.

    If nothing else, the Estonia ID card debacle should raise red flags.
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