Welcome, Dagreat. Having a good and fine tuned software firewall installed, in combo with preferably a hardware firewall, O/S plastered and no specific software installed to open ports: hardly. It depends on your defenses and "net-habits" No offense, but I'm moving this thread to the Firewall forum. regards. paul
Thankyou Forum Admin. I was not talking about third party tools like firewalls and all.Opening ports wihtout the utilites,Is it possible? I was thinking more on the sides of what services these ports run and can these services be triggered manualy, exploting the ports.
Dagreat1, I'm not quite sure what you are asking... When you say "How can ports be opened remotely, without using a trojan." Are you asking if someone else, out on the Internet, can open ports on your system? If that's what you mean, my answer would be - "No, they can't make your system open ports unless they already have access to your system." You can't "force open" ports just by hitting the outside of a system. The system must have an exploit available to get in, in the first place. If this isn't what you were asking, can you explain your question and the circumstances a bit more?
A port gets opened by a program or service on your computer, and it really is that simple. Now if someone gets a trojan on your computer, then they can use a program or service to open a port. That is why I consider a software firewall essential as a last line of defense. I suppose some worms or viruses could open ports also, as they are programs that run on your computer, when they get activated. If this happens, then certainly someone could take advantage of the situation, if they found the open port.