Was wondering what is actually right now the most effective pop-up stopper/killer ?! There's several of them and was wondering if anyone would care to help me out in choosing a good one. Currrently Have Pop-Up Stopper from Panicware... I've seen stuff about ADSHIELD, Pop-Up Killer and others.... what are your views on this ?
Hi FluxGFX, I'm not very experienced in this field, but at least you'll have something to start with. I've used Popup Ad Filter, Pop-Up Stopper and currently Adshield All of them have their pro's en cons. I just happen to like Adshield best. I'm sure others will jump in with their favorites. Regards, Pieter
FLUX one thing is an absolute...I would not purchase one when there are so many excellent free ones availble. you may want to take a look a spyblaster..the forum is here......an ask the author Javacool his opinion............... Adsheild is very good also....definitely worth a look due to its other abilities/features as well. others will no doubt post their programs shortly..so hang around awhile if you can and enjoy
PIETER good morning (my time zone)..an wishing a most enjoyable day. you mentioned adshield...excellent program....an was just thinking.........are those pre-lists still available ??
Hi snowy, Good afternoon, (LOL my time zone) Are you referring to the .abl files you can use to start with? I found one here: http://www.chrismyden.com/nuke/print.php?sid=96 but I got mine from TonyK. Now, there's a good start Regards, Pieter
Hey there, Thx for the quick response I already use spyblaster I'm not a newcomer to this type of stuff But infos on various free Pop-Up Slammers are welcome
PIETER well if it came from TonyK is has to be good.....yes that other was one of the lists I was remembering...(by the way...having problems posting...can't find the source..began about 30 mins ago) FLUX always good to know a poster's experience.....glad to hear that you know your way around the ye ole puter......
It happens, oh well. I have downloaded Adshield and installed it will see how this will perform has for I knowing my ole puter, you better be damn straight about this ! lol. Probably some of you are like me..... been around computers since they were born in any case. I've still kept my Pop-Up stoper companion ( thought it's a commercial product ) bought that a while back, why not keep it ? But still some freeware are very more efficient then commercial software sometimes.
Flux actually I know very little about computers...in comparasion to others here at the board I know next to nothing.....but its enjoyable.....an once a year or so I even manage to get something right......so forever learning... nice to see an experience person like yourself posting.....looking forward to seeing you around... snowy the snowman
Snowy, So true, you can never stop learning new stuff. You always find something that you didn't know. And thus it makes you even wonder what else you can find
Flux, Take an advanced step and download Opera browser, I haven´t been sorry for it , it kills popups, scripts, java, sounds, cookies, gifs....etc, If I need for example java enabled, I hit F12 button and select java enabled.....convenient ! I still have them all, IE6, Netscape. It has no known vulnerabilities so far, except java scripts..... disabled most of time !! be safe ^Ari^
Some popup blockers. All of these are 100% pure freeware, no trial periods. Some of these do more than just handle popups. Pow!: http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/pow.htm NoAds: http://www.southbaypc.com/NoAds/ Surf-in-Peace: http://www.iconlabs.net/port/conv.php?filnavn=icon/sip.html PopupEraser: http://www.webknacks.com/popuperaser.htm Stop-the-Pop: http://www.bysoft.se/sureshot/stopthepop/index.html Internet Organizer: http://home.tiscali.be/eddy.deboysere1/wdprojects/ PopKi: http://ranfo.com/popki.html PopUpPopper: http://www.bayden.com/Popper/default.asp PopUpKiller: http://sourceforge.net/projects/puk/ AdCruncher Proxy: http://home.sprintmail.com/~dtrout/AdCruncher/ReadMe.html KillAd: http://www.iomagic.org/fsc/killad.htm ClickOff: http://www.johanneshuebner.com/en/download.html PopupBuster: http://www.popupbuster.com/PopUpBuster/ Free Surfer: http://www.emsproject.com/FS/ Window Shades: http://www.g-m-m.com/Software/WindowShades/index.php AdShield (my personal favorite): http://www.adshield.org/ PopupStopper: http://www.panicware.com/popupstopper.html Proxomitron (has learning curve): http://www.proxomitron.org/ Here is a review of 61 popup killers, not all of them are free: http://www.popup-killer-review.com/index.htm Good luck, Acadia
Hey, yeah I have opera but seems to be dusting a bit, has for my IE6 is a recompile version of my own so therefore have eliminated couple of bugs but it's all good I've also used Netscape, but for my web designing and such..... it's a standar to develop for IE has in the making of Corporate sites having flash in CSS that some browsers don't support. But yeah use to use Opera.... but oh well..... been dusting
Currently adshield with pop-Up stopper companions is working great thus... it does stop popup that should run..... like on my banking site lol
Why thx, the TonyK stuff and yours added to that should be quite helpfull Looking foward into finding other nicknaks like that always fun to improve privacy