Poof! where'd that come from?

Discussion in 'NIS File Check Forum' started by bellgamin, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    On 8/4/02 I established a separate NISFC database for my dll's.

    When checking that DB today [8/6/02], NISFC identified 2 "new" dll files, thereby causing a momentary tension in my nethermost sphincter. :eek:

    Odd thing is, the new dll's were in an old Bible-study program that I seldom use any more.

    I scanned my whole box with Tauscan & all is rosy.

    So..... is it possible that NISFC overlooked these 2 files when it developed the DB? Or what?

    Any advice/comments would be appreciated.
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Bellgamin,

    I'm sorry to hear that.
    I'm afraid that I don't have the right answer at the moment.
    As far as I know I never had that experience.
    Which version are you using, which OS? As I posted in another thread in this forum-section, I do have problems with the latest version, but not that kind which you mentioned.
    I hope Albert and Joseph will also jump in.
  3. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I'm using WinMe & NTSFC ver

  4. jvmorris

    jvmorris Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Ah, yess . . . . , the old nethermost sphincter symptom! :D (Get used to it, it's likely to become more common in the future than it is at present.)

    Unfortunately, I can't tell you what may have caused that. I've been running NFC 1.2, Beta 1 for quite some time. I would advise you to change, but ... , that's going to kill your existing databases and you'll have to start all over from scratch. If you're inclined to make the change, I'd suggest you first make sure you're happy with all your existing information, download 1.2 Beta 1 (but don't install it) save off the entire NFC 1.1 application and data files to a secure backup directory, and then and only then install the NFC 1.2 Beta 1 version and run it to establish a new baseline. (The problem is that the data file is encrypted and will not transfer from one version to another.)

    I honestly have no idea as to what might have caused this; maybe Albert has some ideas.
    4 August to 6 August is sort of a short (and very recent) time interval. I would suggest that tomorrow ( 8 August) you update your AV and AT software and do a full system scan once again. (Yes, it's rather tedious, I know that.) If you still come up clean, then it's most likely some sort of aberration that Albert may be best able to explain. Again, I myself have never run into this.
    . . . .
  5. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    JVM - I did as you suggested & all is okay.

    Maybe the incident was just a momentary flatulence. :oops:
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