Please rate my security setup

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Paganjew, Feb 3, 2006.

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  1. Paganjew

    Paganjew Guest

    Bitdefender 9 Standard
    Ewido Security Suite 3.5

    I use Firefox with Noscript and Adblock.
  2. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    A 7 . Maybe a 6.5 . Still some things you could add to stiffen the security . Overall , not bad but , could certainly be stronger
  3. No hardware firewall?

    Add that and it's as good as what most people run in these forums.
  4. Vikorr

    Vikorr Registered Member

    May 1, 2005
    Realtime, I don't see the need for anything else, apart from a firewall.

    You may want to use another occasional ondemand scanner (a free one - don't go and pay for one that's only used for ondemand), but there's no need for any more real time protection than what you've listed.
  5. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Although backup has nothing to do with security, it's the backup/restore that will save your computer, if something really goes wrong. So don't neglect your backup !!!
  6. fdeat

    fdeat Guest

    C- i guess.
  7. fas

    fas Guest

    Actaully i mean C+.
  8. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    C+ ? The computer language C+ as security software ?
    It will take some time to program your own security setup, especially when you have to learn C+ first and how to program. :D
  9. WonderBread

    WonderBread Guest

    I agree with Devil. In fact, you may already have a hardware firewall and just didn't meantion it. A lot of people forget about that since it's not "with" the computer. An free "on-demand" scan at Housecall or McAfee would be a good idea as well every week or so.
  10. Neahe

    Neahe Guest

    wow.. lol I was grading the guys security set up, not talking about a programing language :D

    I've never gotten a C++ on a test, but have got my php in college :p

    -best regards Neahe
  11. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Sorry for misunderstanding. I'm not really familiar with American gradings.
    It couldn't be a C-cup, so I thought it was a computer language.
    Very funny confusion :D
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