Please Help

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by lukevincent, Oct 11, 2005.

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  1. lukevincent

    lukevincent Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    Sure this has been a commojn problem in the past. Its the old about:blank chestnut. I am infected with this annoying thing and it is ruining my life! It is not only slowing my internet to a crawl, but also preventing me downloading or attaching anything. Looking for some advice on how to remove it, as cannot download usual adware to solve the problem. Please help. Thanks!
  2. Hi lukevincent,

    Sorry to say but the "usual" anti-adware program's aren't really equiped to handle the many strains of this infection though some have stated this app or that app has done it for them. I remain skeptical to say the least!

    My advice is either get an HJT log read at one of the sites listed here -, or re-format. Then, purchase an Imaging soft for when trouble strikes. If you can't quite bring yourself to it yet and think your good enough .... w w

    Keep in mind due to foistware's continuing advancement, your best shot is with those on the front lines. ;)

  3. ghodgson

    ghodgson Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2003
    If your running XP and the infection is recent do a system restore. Then take it from there.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2005
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