Please Fix AMON for this Loyal NOD32 User...

Discussion in 'NOD32 Early v2 Beta' started by Straight Shooter, Feb 8, 2003.

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  1. :'(

    I don't know where to begin...

    I have been having freezeups and lockups requiring reboots and restarts on my computer for as long as I can remember...

    In the beginning, I thought it was the registry cleaner I used. So, I tried the free ones, jv16 and then RegScrub Xp, and Regcleaner... and I even bought Regvac...

    The freeze ups and lockups prevailed...

    Then I thought I had the problem fixed. In a day and a half, the freeze up came back (but I wasn't really using the product heavily, to)

    Then I started having freezups-lockups when I tried to use TrojanHunter...
    After countless hours of reboots and hunched over my computer, refusing to believe it was NOD related, I read over Marti's posts, and I saw the reality for myself. AMON IS THE REASON FOR MY LOCKUPS!

    I fdisked my computer, brought it back to the state it was when I first bought it, and tested trial versions of other av's.. This was very hard to do, being a staunch NOD32 user. None of the other av's froze at a scan, or caused TH to freeze.. You see, in NOD's case, TH is a necessity.. NOD is not a superb Trojan Hunter. I'm not complaining about that..

    I hope I don't get bashed, and I don't think I deserve to get bashed. I spent countless hours in trying to figure this out, not to mention the time I had to spend reinputing info in my online data base I use for work due to the lockups...

    I trialed, among others, Extendia AV and PC Cillin.. It takes 3 hours to scan the HD with Extendia.. NO LOCK UPS! I had absolutely no problems with PC Cillin. Would I trust them instead of NOD32. I would like not to, but if AMON isn't fixed soon, I already decided what I am going to do..

    With NOD and TH, NOD lockuped almost 5 minutes in the scan.. I know now to shut of TH, it's just that I sincerely hope the amon thing is fixed. With NOD32, having a Trojan Detector is almost a necessity (LOL).. and this statement is based upon what I read at Wilders...

    I had freeze ups with PestPatrol, too..I no longer use Pest Patrol, just to let you folks know..

    The only time NOD32 won't freeze up is when TH is closed down.. I can see Marti's point very well, now..

    I also tried the beta, and the story is the same..

    If you're going to bash me, please don't bother. I had 6 friends of mine buy NOD32. Do they have freeze ups, or lock ups? Not that I heard of, but they don't have anti trojan software, too. Some of them don't even know what a manual scan is!

    I also have a nagging feeling NOD is also conflicting with ZAPRO, but again, I would have to run NOD without TH, and I am sick of being an anti virus tester...LOL...
  2. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge
    Hi Straight Shooter,

    I have run NOD32 and I am still running (Final and Beta) AND TRojanHunter (TH Guard enable) 2.54 and now 3.01 on Win98SE, Win2K and WinXP Pro flawlessly.

    I rather thing it would be ZA related (freeze etc...). Are you running v3.** ?

    Could you try to totally uninstall for a while ZA (see how to clean the remnants on zonelabs support) and give a try to another decent FW like LnS, KPF, Sygate, OutPost...

    I bet you will be surprised : no freeze or lock up any longer :cool:
  3. I installed NOD32 and TH without any firewall, in a clean setup, and it started the freeze ups, and lock ups., I can't say it's ZAPRO's fault, now..

    Actually, I reformatted my HD, and installed Outpost Pro, and the freeze ups were still there..

    Believe me, I have done EVERY THING I could, it always comes back to NOD32..
  4. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge
    Strange, never encontered that before :eek:

    Hoping Rod or Jan can help you.

  5. Believe me.. I had to take a leap of faith to pin it down to AMON, but that's where the problem is..
    I am willing to bet any suggestion that is going to be given, I've alreasy tried..I'm willing to do more testing, but I think Marti is right..

    It's exhausting to say the least... :rolleyes:
  6. Jack, or who ever would like to answer this..

    Could it be that I have an Athlon Processor, instead of Intel?

    Let's say I just go buy a computer, (because I have someone who wants to buy mine for $500...)

    What should I consider in Laptops that won't give me a headache..? How about operating systems, should I go Win XP Prof? Is 2000 better? What does NOD 32 like?

  7. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    I have both Intel and Athon XP+
    on W2K and WinXP Pro, no difference for NOD32.
    Win2K consumes less but WinXP is more multimedia oriented.

    I like ASUS laptops but there are of course other ones and some assemblers may build configurations on demand with standard components and prize is interesting.

    Good luck,
  8. Jack, thanks..

    Today, I am going to go to the local "Circuit City", and figure out once and for all, if it's my computer, or my tests.. I use a Compaq Presario, which warms up pretty quick, maybe that's the problem..
    Who knows?

  9. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    I'm also using a Compaq presario 5837 (AMD 500) and do not encounter the problems you mention.
    The only problem i encounter is with the imon in the beta which does not scan emails, and that has been reported in another topic already.
  10. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    Win98SE, Intel Pentium III (1 gig); 384 MB RAM. AMON does cause Trojan Hunter and the TH Live Update to hang. It also freezes the system when I try to call up JV16 Power Tools.

    I put both programs (TH and JV16 PT) in the "exclude" area of AMON, but AMON ignores that request. (See my post on this subject in the NOD regular forum).

    This is a NOD problem, as both programs work as designed when AMON is disabled. I run ZAPlus (version 3.1.395), however the firewall is not a factor in this situation. A firewall would not be involved when you run TH or JV16 Power Tools, only when you run the TH Live Update.

    Somewhere in a thread on one of the NOD forums it has been mentioned that the unpackers that are used with TH and JV16 Power tools are the cause of this problem.
  11. hayc59

    hayc59 Guest

    i to have had all the same problems mentioned by straightshooter and marti!! actually from the get go,
    with jv16 and trojanhunter.
    have to shut down amon everytime i want to use either one
    of them.. hope its fixed real soon... :D
  12. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Shooter,

    >I have been having freezeups and lockups requiring reboots and restarts on my computer for as long as I can remember...

    I sent you a private message - we need some sytem and software info from you.

    Let's get it working again together! :)

    Thanks. :)

  13. rodzilla

    rodzilla Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    I'm afraid I'm not much use to you guys who are having problems with the beta on XP ... we've had zero problems running it here for weeks.
  14. c53204

    c53204 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    Been running Windows 2000 (all current patches/service packs installed!!). Running NOD32 TrojanHunter v3 - NO problems. However I DID have problems with the previous version of TrojanHunter (I think it was 2.5).

    If you remove Trojahunter from your system does NOD hang/freeze/crash? If not, then how can you say it is AMON causing your system to crash. Surely if putting TrojanHunter on causes your system to crash then it is TH. Or MAYBE it is a combination of some other driver that you have loaded that is conflicting with NOD or TH. The combinations are endless!
  15. I've PM'ed Jan and sent him necessary files to look over...

    If it's something wrong with my computer, we'll all know after the 19th.. I just ordered a new mega powerful Gateway Laptop, 3 year warranty, 3 year "accident" warranty, Win XP Prof...

    It's interesting.. I Uninstalled and reinstalled NOD32.Now both TH locks up, but "not as Much"..

    I have been keeping Jan informed..
  16. Well, I have been testing more and more, and I uninstalled the beta, and the system still freezes with NOD32 and TH installed, it freezing more predominately with a TH scan...

    This kinda shows me Marti is right.

    I thought it was the fact that the computer gets hot. That theory went out the window when I left the computer shut off all day, and at night, I turned it on. The first thing I did was do a TH scan, without disabling Amon. I am talking about the regular release of NOD32, not the beta..TH froze almost immediately, requiring a reboot..It doesn't freeze at the same file...

    I realize this may not be a problem easily solved, (because it is not easily duplicated) but this is bizzare.. I suggest the ESET tech team really check this out..

    Hey, I'm not dreaming this up. Others out there have the same issue..

    Just trying to do my part, I guess..

    PS, I installed TH on another person's computer, who uses NOD32, (one of my converts) and the same thing happenned..
    They also have WIn XP Home, but mine is a laptop, her's is a Desktop..I since removed TH from her system..
  17. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Shooter,

    >I realize this may not be a problem easily solved, (because it is not easily duplicated) but this is bizzare.. I suggest the ESET tech team really check this out..

    I've already tried running Trojan Hunter together with NOD - without any problems, as you wrote: "(because it is not easily duplicated) but this is bizzare.." but we'll try what we can - together with the beta testing.

    Thanks, :)

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