Pivx Preempt price

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by nicM, Nov 17, 2005.

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  1. nicM

    nicM nico-nico

    Jul 15, 2004
    Is it just me, or they're changing its price all the time o_O

    two month ago, it was 25 or 29 $, it jumped to 49, and it's back to 29 now... I remember (not sure) it was already 49 month ago (and even free before... :eek: ).

    Personaly, I may consider buying it at 29 $, but 49 makes quite a lot for such a tool.

  2. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Yeah, they do seem to jump all around. From what I understand, though, (not talking to them, but others) is that it's hard to get business customers to respect a product under $50.. but then it's hard for us home users to not fall over laughing at anything that high :D It was free when it was in beta, but I don't recall seeing it free since.

    What really burned me was that when it first went final they priced it at $50 with an "early adopters special" for the beta testers to get a reduced price of $35 for the first 30 days.. I got a 3-pack, then about 35 days, or so, after the inital offer they dropped the price to $25.. some deal for the testers, huh? :mad:
  3. nicM

    nicM nico-nico

    Jul 15, 2004
    hehe, I agree; That's maybe the reason why their site is now divided in Home/small business/entreprise (although I didn't check the price for business/entreprise version).

    I said that because I used the Qwickfix home version, one year (or more) ago, was free yet (there was a more comprehensive pro version too, I think).

    ...nice from them :eek: :( . I was about to mail them to test the current beta (I assume they're improving it, after I've read the PCworld review), but better not to expect any free licence here... :ninja:. Oh, well, at 29 $, that's may be worth the buy...

  4. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Yup, I already made that mistake :p Spent some serious time with it, too. I even emailed them asking if they ever had betas for licenses, and they just never responded.

    I somehow don't think they realize how much more they could get from their beta tests if they did give licenses.

    That was probably the original beta.. it was free up until late December 2004, when they went final.

    PreEmpt is a good product, though.. $29 is worth it, IMO. It does the virtual registry and all to protect it's settings, and it's very nice to be able to 'suspend protection'. They're also looking to put in some buffer overflow protection and who knows what else (I'm not sure they're 100% decided just yet). Just don't expect their reps to give the kind of treatment we're accustomed to around here ;)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2005
  5. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    @ Notok

    In the Samurai thread you say that PreEmpt also protects against holes in other apps, but I think it´s strange that PivX doesn´t mention this anywhere. I wonder if they really offer that much more (except for the virtual registry feature) than Samurai at the moment. :rolleyes:
  6. nicM

    nicM nico-nico

    Jul 15, 2004
    Well, I didn't even know that was a beta . But that was working fine (except an activeX conflict with NIS), and the ability to suspend its protection (to solve theses few temporary conflicts, as in Preempt) is a great feature.

    29 is reasonable, now, and they even have a good 3 licences offer .. :ninja:
  7. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Yup, and their 3-pack price has always stayed the same, oddly.. as much as I don't like some of the stuff they pulled, I'll probably renew this next year too. I guess we'll have to see what happens after that.
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