Pivx PreEmpt \ PreView Results...

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by dja2k, Oct 27, 2005.

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  1. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    I keep failing the PreView Score and don't know why. I have the trial version of PreEmpt and is fully enabled. For some reason it doesn't pick up my Kav 5.0 as installed or active, but does pick up Nod32 as installed. Here is the screen shot. Anyone know anything about these programs. I had a lower score, but did some manual MS Fix Updates.


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  2. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    I wouldn't worry too much about the security software, if you want it to count anything else you have you can go into the settings and add custom entries that it just automatically counts. The threat center is regarding hardening, though.. have you done any system hardening?
  3. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    That is why I am worried. I have done all the hardening from safexp, harden-it, and samurai. I don't know what is left though....


    Got it to give me a better rating though still didn't pick up KAV Pro 5.0.390 installed and active. You think PreEmpt is worth the $29.95 yearly price to keep your security updates up to date?


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    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  4. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    I wouldn't buy it.
    First PreView is an unstable software and it crashed on two machines after installation. Second, it serves to promote PreEmpt (formerly QwikFix, if I remember correctly). Now, PreEmpt is not a bad tool, but it's surplus. You can harden your system without it, using alternative free tools. Plus, if you know what you're doing, you don't need any of it. A tool that doesn't pick KAV, you expect your conscience to be cool after you get all A? You should know better what's happening than any software alone.
  5. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    I get what you're saying Mrkvonic, I wouldn't pay for PreEmpt either as I figured I had all the MS updates installed already. I think its a scam since I uninstalled PreEmpt, my score went back to 71 saying I didn't have PreEmpt installed. What a bunch of .... I did notice however that after PreEmpt installation, my status in the PreEmpt menu was already all green, meaning the protection was already enabled, though only two were turned off, if I remember it was netBT or soemthing and clear page file on exit. I don't think PreEmpt removes the protection I initially had already or does it after uninstall? Any idea on how to check that without PreEmpt installed.

    Anyways Notok seems to like Computer Security Tool more compared to PreEmpt. So Notok, you would pay $49.95 a year to keep using Computer Security Tool?

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  6. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    I would not call it scam, but I would not call it Patrick Kolla either :).
    The tool does serve to promote the other product. It is possible that the tool reverts to original settings. But as I was saying, unless you are too lazy, you can download 5-6 applications, all free, which will do the same job for you. And you can also do quite nicely without any.
    You can even set your system so you don't even need firewall.
  7. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    If you think about it, it makes sense. They aren't going to include hardening settings that they don't think are important, if they didn't think it was important they wouldn't put it in PreEmpt. One of the reasons you don't get a full score with other hardening tools, however, is that there are multiple ways to harden various settings, and of course they believe theirs is the only correct way, otherwise they wouldn't do it that way. So that's pretty much it.. PreView holds it up to their own standards. You can't take the score alone too seriously on any of these kinds of tools, but you can use it to get a basic idea of what's going on and get an idea of where you should be going.

    I'm biased, so I can't really answer that for you. But keep an eye out, good things are coming.
  8. I'm starting to get skeptical about these hardening tools.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of system hardening, a well configured IE or whatever browser beats a clueless person running security suites. Shutting unneeded services? Big fan.

    But some of these hardening tools seem to be very obscure tweaks, and many seem to be based on the principle, "in the past, some security exploit caused feature x to be misused, and based on history of past attacks we can expect more of such exploits misusing this feature, so let's netuer feature x completely". That's how they claim they can beat zero day attacks, since ocasionally they do select the right feature to netuer.

    Still, there seems to be a limited number of such features to close down, and there comes a point where you start noticing problems. several times i found some quirky effect weeks later, that i eventually traced to these hardening stuff. I suppose if i was as knowledgable as Notok, i would immediately know what effect those tweaks would have on my system, but how many of us can be Notoks?

    It just seems to me the gain/cost ratio is pretty low unless you really stay awake worrying that someone will target you with a security exploit before it hits the nets.
  9. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    So what hardening tool is equal to protection of PreEmpt in association with the PreView Threat Center getting a passing grade. If and only if it is falsely giving people a failing grade since they don't have PreEmpt installed to cover the supposed Threat Center items. Cause its funny how you uninstall PreEmpt, then the Threat Center grade drops from an "A' to an "F" automatically.
  10. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Please do not worry . Their testing is pathetic because it is unfair . Notok comes closest to saying so but , stops short . They exclude some things because they want you to BOOST your security by buying their product . My God . When I tested a LOOOOOOONG time back , it even told me my patches were not up to date . Some things even showed that I needed patches for things that are not even on my computer . They do all they can to get you worried and buy .
    Would I buy it ! NO WAY !!!! The bottom line is the test is unfair and preys on those that do not know any better . Is it a good program ? I think so . I tested because that is what I do . I have no problem with the program itself . There are better options though . AND , there are worse ones . I think it is good at what it does . What they do to get you to buy makes me say NO WAY !! Stay away .
  11. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Thanks you all for the info. I feel exactly the same way. Wouldn't pay for a program just to get straight "A's" in the computer world at least ;) . Will stick to hardening software and making sure my windows is up to date in patches.

  12. erq0aws

    erq0aws Guest

    I have hardenIT enabled and I receive an F rating for threat center. I also have samurai enabled.
  13. erg0

    erg0 Guest

    added free safexp and still get an "F"
  14. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    You will keep getting an F until you add PreEmpt to the list and enable it. Also all windows updates must be installed. Make sure your Antivirus is recognized or add it in the list.

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