First of all, I really like Port Explorer! I should have purchased it long ago because it just makes sense to see whats going on with your ports if you are concerned about computer security! On the other hand, that does not make me an expert on Ports and Processes. Case in point, and I sure this is the oldest question in the book for Port Explorer. Just what is PID 4. TCP 139 seems to be the NetBios port, but I cannot seem to shut it down. Even using WWDC. Port Explorer does not document that it has sent or received anything, but by my way of thinking, the port should not be listening unless it is performing some function the I (not XP) want to use. Can anyone shed any light on this? -HandsOff
Since you have an ongoing thread concerning this same matter....we'll close this thread and continue in the other. This thread---> Netbios always listening!