Philips Hue (First-Gen) Bridge and Osram Lightify end the Support

Discussion in 'hardware' started by guest, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    First-Gen Philips Hue Bridge Exits Support in April
    March 9, 2020
    The Verge: The original Philips Hue Bridge hub is losing all internet connectivity on April 30th
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    OSRAM Lightify Cloud shutting down 31-Aug-2021
    March 9, 2020
    Osram: Osram is shutting down the server for the Lightify system
  3. guest

    guest Guest

    Google Assistant drops support for Philips Hue first-gen bridge on June 22nd
    June 19, 2020
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