PG3.2 & Small Issue with Human Confirmation

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by Baldrick, Dec 23, 2005.

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  1. Baldrick

    Baldrick Registered Member

    May 11, 2002
    South Wales, UK
    Hi there

    Just downloaded and install PG3.2 and all is well.......except what I think is a small problem with the button displayed on the Human Confirmation Required panel.

    Have protected the closing of PG so that Human Confirmation is required. Panel comes up when you try to close PG and you can enter the code displayed but the button either side of the entry field are there (Red on the left and Black on the right but with no text in them so if you do not know that the one of the left is 'OK' and that on the right is 'Cancel' then you are stuffed/have to resort to trial and error).

    Having played around with the buttons I actually managed to get PG to close despite Secure Message Handling set to required (as set against processguard.exe in the Protection tab) but after I restarted PG the Human Confirmation Require panel was again displayed when I tried to close PG.

    Hum........something not quite right in there some where.

    Hope that this information helps? Apart from that PG seems to be even better than before. The best just got better. Not often you can say that, eh?

    Best regards


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  2. Baldrick

    Baldrick Registered Member

    May 11, 2002
    South Wales, UK
    Merry Christmas to all

    Am I the only one out there with PG 3.2 installed who is experiencing this issue?

    Hopefully there will be a fix for this sometime soon?


  3. FirePost

    FirePost Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    No you are not the only one.. I installed 3.2 and see the same thing.
  4. siliconman01

    siliconman01 Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2003
    West Virginia (USA)
    Running Windows XP-SP2 HE, ClearType active with screen resolution 1024x768.

    Am seeing a similar problem except I only get the center window for inputting the code. Then I get a THANK YOU and no windows to confirm closure.
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