Perfect Disk v12.5 Failure

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by maly, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. maly

    maly Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2012
    When selecting Boot Time Defrag either by toggling the on/off switch or restarting using the gui popup it just continues to fail every single boot.

    "DefragFs: PerfectDisk failed to start correctly."

    Hit any key to restart imediately. Restarting in (countdown from 10) seconds

    Keyboard becomes unresponsive during these 10 seconds.

    My "BootExecute" is fine and PDBoot.exe is at the beginning of this boot entry, i've also tried disabling all Creative, Ati Tray Tools drivers from loading on boot without success to my suprise...PerfectDisk failed to start correctly. :argh:

    All traces from previous defrag applications O&O, Diskeeper were erased by me through the registry so definitely going to have to go back with Diskeeper from now on unless of course someone had this problem and can help? Thanks
  2. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    not sure if it will fix it for you but i have seen this MANY times run first uninstall and reboot then reinstall perfectdisk then run chkdsk c: /f and let it fully run. not sure why but that always fixed it for me. even though you say all traces were removed of previous defraggers this can happen. for instance if one had run a boot time with ultimate defrag then tried to run a boot time with perfectdisk even after uninstalling ud perfectdisk with throw an error and running chkdsk c: /f (or which ever is your system drive) would fix it.
  3. maly

    maly Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2012
    Appreciate it but sadly didn't work, even using after the complete uninstall and then again once installed with the appropriate restarts, still Perfect Disk is just gimmickly atleast for me :ninja:

    Below is the specified Boot Defrag log which will help Raxco out but seem as though i'm waiting approval, somebody here could help decipher what's wrong with my system in conjunction with Raxco Perfect Disk Trial v12.5

    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: build25.  NT Version: Major=0x5, Minor=0x1, Build=0xa28, CSD=Service Pack 3 (free).
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: Built Aug  4 2011, 09:34:46.
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: BOOT start. Date: 3/5/2012, Time: 16:18:05.578 GMT.
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: DefragQueryValueKey(LargeSectorEnable) failed with error 0xc0000034
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: Set to attempt boot time mount.
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: SystemRoot = 'C:\WINDOWS\'
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: AutochkValue to find = 'autocheck autochk /p \??\C:'
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: BootExecuteLine = 'PDBoot.exe'
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: BootExecuteLine = 'autocheck autochk *'
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: Mount requested for '\Device\HarddiskVolume1' (boot).
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: DeviceObjectWeTalkTo = 0xfcc618c8.
    120305-16:18:05.57 DefragFs: SectorSize = 0x200.
    120305-16:18:05.60 DefragFs: Found repeat timestamp in state file.  Aborting boot mount.
    120305-16:18:05.60 DefragFs: try_return status 0xc000014f, sys\fsctrl.c:1074.
    120305-16:18:05.60 DefragFs: Mount '??\Device\HarddiskVolume1' (boot) failed with status 0xc000014f, deleting Vcb = 0xfae2c918.
    120305-16:18:05.60 DefragFs: try_return status 0xc000014f, sys\defdisp.c:326.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: PDBoot v12.00.000, 12.17.10 - Initialized memory.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Starting message file load.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Got path to message file : (\SystemRoot\System32\PDBoot.msg).
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Loaded partial or empty message File.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Starting state file load.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Got path to state file : (\SystemRoot\System32\PDBootState).
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: State file opened.
    120305-16:18:11.59 PDBoot: Failed to read state file!
    120305-16:18:11.59 DefragFs: IoGetBootDiskInformation() failed with error 0xc0000189
    120305-16:18:11.59 DefragFs: IoGetBootDiskInformation() failed with error 0xc0000189
    120305-16:18:11.59 DefragFs: Mount requested for '\Device\HarddiskVolume2'.
    120305-16:18:11.59 DefragFs: Attemped mount by non-PerfectDisk thread, passing on...
    120305-16:18:11.59 DefragFs: try_return status 0xc000014f, sys\defdisp.c:326.
  4. maly

    maly Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2012
    LOL that was a mighty fast approval :)

    Here is the link for anyone with this particluar nuisance though you will need either: registration with Raxco, Google Mail Account or Yahoo Mail Account to sign in and simply view :rolleyes:

  5. Spruce

    Spruce Registered Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Maybe you need "PerfectRegistry" to fix it :argh:
    Stopped using PerfectDisk after Raxco started copycat other products and misleading people that they actually need them, kind of principle from me, and Diskeeper works like a charm ;)

    Anyway, hopefully you find a solution to your problem.
  6. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    Have you tried some of the following ? time defrag error&type=0
    When attempting to perform a boot time or offline defragmentation pass, I get a failed to open message, driver conflict message or Windows fails to start.

    3rd party programs may modify the BootExecute registry key so that PDBoot.exe is no longer the first entry. PDBoot.exe needs to be the first entry in order for the PerfectDisk boot time defrag to run correctly. To verify that the BootExecute registry key is correct, do the following:

    Click on Product Resources
    Click Support
    Click the Start button to initiate diagnostics
    If any issues are identified, click Fix to resolve

    If no issues are identified/fixed, please see below for other reasons why the boot time defrag may not be running.

    The following 3rd party products have drivers that open the drive for write access prior to PerfectDisk's boot time defrag being able to mount the drive for exclusive access. If the drive has been opened for write access, for safety reasons PerfectDisk will not perform the boot time defrag. Depending on the 3rd party product, you may either see a "failed to open" message from PerfectDisk or a "possible driver conflict" message on the screen. There may be other products not listed below that prevent PerfectDisk's boot time defrag from running.
  7. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns Registered Member

    Jul 4, 2004
    Oklahoma City
    Same here - PerfectDisk got "over-bloated" for me and I just dropped it, even tho I had Pro for several years. I now use Puran...seems to be satisfactory.
  8. Atomas31

    Atomas31 Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    Montreal, Quebec
    Same here! I also removed PerfectDisk and now use Puran defrag (free)...
  9. Spruce

    Spruce Registered Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    I was thinking about the "PerfectRegistry", "PerfectUpdater" etc. crap, but PerfectDisk was starting to bloat up aswell indeed.
  10. Narxis

    Narxis Registered Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    You guys shouldnt dump PerfectDisk. It is still a very good product, it's optimizer/defrag algorithms are the best.
  11. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    i agree about that BUT if the program is buggy which imo it is and it uses a lot of resources that are again imo NOT needed by a defragger. i also dont use its auto defrag since it either doesnt work sometimes or slows things down even on a i7 system i have also stopped using it.
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