PC unable to read DVD recorded with digital camera - URGENT

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by newbino, Sep 28, 2008.

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  1. newbino

    newbino Registered Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    PC unable to read DVD recorded with digital camera

    Hi, I hope somebody can help me unravel this mistery fast as it's urgent.
    Yesterday I recorded 4 mini DVD-RWs for the first time with a friend's digital camera and they were playing back fine on the cam screen. Today I as am attempting to copy them on my pc to edit them all disks read empty, both on the pc itself (DVD drive appears empty) as well as if I try to read them with media software (eg, Vegas Movie Studio or VLC).
    My DVD drive reads prerecorded DVDs with no problem and the same problem occurs with my laptop so I exclude a hardware problem.
    It may help to know that when I was initializing the disk I had two options, (from memory) video or dv, and I chose the first one.
    Any help welcomed as an initial Google search did not help much
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  2. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    I have the same problem with my LG dvd recorder. I can record a tv show to dvd which plays fine in the dvd player but if i put that dvd in any computer it appears empty. I've never been able to figure it out, I'm guessing its encrypted somehow to try and prevent piracy or something.
    However i don't see why they would do that with digital camera. There must be a utility provided that lets you transfer and watch the videos on a computer, have you checked the disk that came with the camera?
  3. dbknox

    dbknox Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Maybe I am blowing smoke here newbino but have you finalized these DVD's to play on other players.
  4. newbino

    newbino Registered Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    duh :rolleyes: :eek: :oops: :blink:

    you are right!

    thanks dbknox
  5. dbknox

    dbknox Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Your welcome newbino
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