Anyone who may be interested: Just gave this a run from the dvd.iso: very nicely set-up OS indeed. BeOS influenced Debian/Ubuntu hybrid sort of.. distilled all the good bits GUI Installer XFCE Fast, stable so far Nice oob apps Good stuff in the repos Repos very fast indeed. Easy Control utility for GUI interaction with configs Synaptic for pkg's.. soooo easy... Lots of dev tools for those who can Very responsive developer. have a looky see.
LOL i thought you were talking about PCLOS and just spelt it wrong. However i see it is a different distro altogether .
Heh heh yes ; sorry no PCLOS 2008 yet Look at this Nice review/description
Great, thanks Longboard, just when i though my shortlist was stable. Downloaded, going to try it later.. -.- Speaking of BeOS, i like to follow Haiku's development from time to time.
I think reality is that it is Ubuntu/ XFCE remaster and some preinstalled apps and control panels cf Mint, with BeOS decor only The developer has some interesting history...seems to elicit some strong attitude regarded to his past and this release. Go to the comments From the dev he wrote his distro as a server utility and then for DT. I cant cut through some of the 'fog' around the distro's roots. I aint gunna follow it to far. Google the dev if you want, read back through some of the forum posts... So it's not PCLOS ( nothing is ) but: If it respects the GPL; It works : It is a good user interface distro for me oob. W&W.
I'm not going to change to it, pretty sure of that. But i like to see different set ups and views, or really different things like Haiku, PCBSD/FreeBSD, Gobolinux etc.
Sorry I kept editing that last post.. Ja Ich auch. Looking forward to PCBSD 7 here. It is a pain ( or has been for me) sorting out some of the web media in BSD. Regards
Well, that link did it for me. I'll just have a quick look so it's not a complete waste of bandwidth. It really has nothing to do with BeOS, or Haiku for that matter.
This is what grabbed my eye first: My ISP will mirror distros by request for free dl The 'BeOS' lead has been a bit misleading.. Then started doing some background. Lots of _ahem_ opinions expressed re the release ... Still despite anything else it is a nice stable set-up with lots of goodies by default; nothing intrinsically wrong with it per se. Regards
I have been using PC/OS for quite some time now, since the 2008 release and its one of the nicer distros out there. There are several differences between this and a vanilla Ubuntu release. The dev brings all the packages up to date, something that Ubuntu doesnt do. If you look in the Ubuntu repos some of the packages are 6 months old PC/OS helps to minimize the exposure to bugs that you may see with Ubuntu. Ubuntu focuses on just giving you a vanilla desktop experience and you build it yourself, PC/OS has a couple of editions, a Workstation that focuses on devs and the design types and a desktop which focuses on consumers and the other side of the fence. The ruminations blog was created by a pissed off user of BeOS who thinks this is just a ride on the BeOS train when the dev clearly states a tribute more than a clone. It is a great distro and one I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a user friendly release of Linux.