PC Flank tests Kerio 2.1.5

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by normishmael, Sep 24, 2008.

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  1. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    I just completed the below PC Flank tests with my new instal of Kerio 2.1.5:
    PC Flank Leaktest NEW!
    Quick Test
    Stealth Test
    Browser Test
    Trojans Test
    Advanced Port Scanner
    All of them were "pass" The stealth test comes a "pass" with no firewall active at all,(ISP blocking Ports?)

    I supose I am asking is PC Flank reliable,or do I need to try other tests.
    I doubt hoary old Kerio will pass the "hyper-BuckRogers-injection" test's
    Comodo and OnLine Armour shed like water off a ducks back,but is passing the above (the firewall related) tests indication for pretty good security?

    Sorry to show my ignorance but I need to know.

  2. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Your as safe as a test can make you. ;)
  3. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    mighty fine.
  4. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005
    My first question would be "are you behind a router".

    Some ISP will block some inbound ports but personally see it at minimal (mine restricts port 445).

    Note:- Some tests are made against the browser, so some settings such as allowing/blocking referrers within the browser can affect results.

    - Stem
  5. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    no,just DSL connection and software firewall.
    no router.
  6. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005

    It will then depend on your windows setup. ( is windows firewall still active?). Without a firewall then services active will show.
  7. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    Windows Firewall is turned off.
  8. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    As far as inbound goes, the only remaining rational conclusion is that your modem has a router of sorts built-in.

    As for outbound or other exploit type tests, Kerio probably won't pass any of that stuff very well. Not sure exactly what is being tested though, and whether inbound or out.

    I never trusted PCFlank nor considered it reliable. Every time I tested inbound on various firewalls a few years back, grc.com showed stealth, while PCFlank always gave random various bogus results claiming closed and even a few open port statuses... So I concluded long ago, that PCFlank was nonsense.... Perhaps it has improved since then, I have no idea....
  9. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Hi normishmael,
    Since you are using a DSL connection, I think you will be having a DSL modem/CPE. The DSL CPE also acts as a router (in most ISP configs).

    Please check your user manual for CPE or ask your ISP, for details about logging in and configuring your DSL modem.
    For example: a Netopia DSL CPE has IP: and username/password as admin/admin.

    Once you have those details, login into the CPE and check the WAN interface. If its in bridged mode, then its a transparent device. Hence the open ports are on your system and not the CPE.
    If its in any other mode (other than bridged mode), then CPE is acting as a router. Check if your CPE has a basic firewall and functionality to block/open ports. Then configure the same.
  10. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    Kerodo & Vijayind:
    Thanks for the advice.
    I will get with Embraq or whatever Sprint is called now about the modem.
    Something about PCFlank just seemed a little glib or something...
  11. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Good luck Normishmael, I think Vijayind hit the nail on the head.......
  12. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Glad to be of any possible assistance. If you have any queries or issues, please feel free to get back on the forum.
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