path exclusions not working 2.70.39

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by praktitps, Aug 4, 2008.

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  1. praktitps

    praktitps Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Hi, we've set a number of path exclusions on the servers, and recently when looking for file share problems we noticed with filemon from sysinternals that the path exclusions does not exclude the files from being scanned by the nod32krnl within the excluded folders. Surely this hasn't been missed - or ?

    full version info below:
    NOD32 Antivirus - information
    Version av databas med signaturer: 3323 (20080804)
    Daterad: den 3 augusti 2008
    Kompilation av databas med signaturer: 13349

    Information om andra delar för genomsökningsstöd
    Version av modul för utökad heuristik: 1073 (20080803)
    Kompilation av modul för utökad heuristik: 1174
    Internet-filter version: 1.002 (2004070:cool:
    Internet-filter kompilation: 1013
    Version av modul för arkivstöd: 1072 (20080729)
    Kompilation av modul för arkivstöd: 1214

    Information om installerade komponenter
    NOD32 For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/x64 - Administrative tools
    Version: 2.70.39
    NOD32 för Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/x64 - bas
    Version: 2.70.39
    NOD32 For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/x64 - Internet support
    Version: 2.70.39
    NOD32 för Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/x64 - standardkomponent
    Version: 2.70.39

    Plattform: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
    Version: 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2
    Version av common control: 5.82.3790
    RAM: 1536 MB
    Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz (2399 MHz)

    cheers / Peter
  2. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    You can try excluding both long and short paths. The exclusions should 100% work in v3.
  3. praktitps

    praktitps Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    For 2.7 do you mean formatting path exclusions like DOS 8.3 names?
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
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