hey guys Got a problem, can't log in to the configs for my linksys router, cuz the password im typing in is not allowing me in. Is this gona be a big problem? YODA
I think most of them have the ability to reset to factory defaults, generally a button or a sequence of holding a button and powering up - something like that. If you are locked out, there is always the possibility that someone else broke in and reset the password on you. (Of course, it could just be a forgotten password, too.) Given all the possibilities though, I'd get out the manual, lookup the reset sequence and then reconfigure it.
Hi yodafan Have you made any changes recently? Upgraded firmware? Upgrading will usually keep your existing settings, but not always. Have you tried the default password? Regards, CrazyM
hey crazy and lowwatermark, I haven't upgraded fireware recently but it had the latest one on it. I tried restarting the router, and typing the default password and still doesn't work. I haven't use the configure recently. But considering if it was broken into or i forgot the password which i'm pretty sure is. How can i regain access back. My firewall is still up i've tested it.... YODA
Ok thanx guy, got it back.... maybe i didn't hold the reset button long enough, but now i'm able to get into the config. Thanx again, YODA