Outpost Firewall Free 2009 v6.5 Released

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by PaulBB, Apr 26, 2009.

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  1. SystemJunkie

    SystemJunkie Resident Conspiracy Theorist

    Mar 3, 2006
    Ah okay it is a linux based stick, yes e.g. "http smuggling".
    Thanks for your clarification.
  2. trismegistos

    trismegistos Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    One must learn to be a hacker or a scriptkiddie at least to learn how to defend oneself and your networks. Same tools use by sinister forces are used by the security experts and network admins.
  3. arran

    arran Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2008
    Hi Panagiotis please forgive my ignorance in this area. But lets say for arguments sake if there was a successful 'http splitting and or http smuggling' attack which got thru your router and software firewall, what specifically would the attack achieve? what damage would it do to your pc?

    actually I find Panagiotis posts quite informative.
  4. arran

    arran Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2008
    regarding the man in the middle attacks Discussion in this thread, my understanding is that a man in the middle attack is a hacker intercepting packets in transit and modifying them before they finish their jorney to your pc.

    I can't see how its possible for any firewall to prevent this. all tho a firewall can filter out the modified packets but not prevent some one intercepting the packets in transit.

    I guess the best and only defense against this is using an SSH encrypted tunnel to a proxy server?
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Most of the discussion about HTTP exploit methods being used by "Big Brother" have been moved to a thread in the privacy forum section since this thread is about a specific release of the Outpost Firewall.


    Any followup posts regarding general HTTP attacks or other exploit methods should be made to that thread.
  6. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Can we please talk about these MITM attacks in the other thread because, while I don't find this subject alarming, I do find it fascinating, and would like to learn more.

    Note from LowWaterMark: The additional MITM posts have now been moved over to the other thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2009
  7. NutzySheWolf

    NutzySheWolf Registered Member

    May 4, 2006
    You know what. All these acronyms and the geek talk doesn't help the user like me that needs straight, simple to understand answers. Why don't you speak plain freakin' English for the rest of us? I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what Firewall is the best for my needs, since Zonealarm sold out and went down the toilet, and then I run across a post like this, and a whole lot of similar, and it makes me grit my teeth in frustration.

    I got frustrated the last time I was studying firewalls for just the same reason. MOST of us don't have anywhere near enough time to sit down and chase down what all this security geek stuff means. That's why we haunt security forums looking for explanations. And I really kind of resent the way y'all talk in Geek speak, when I need information decoded from Geek to English.

    I'm not computer illiterate. I do my own repairs and all that stuff thank you, but it has taken years of trial and error to build those skills. I don't have years to keep the hacker dweebs, and other nasty stuff, out of my computer. And they seem to be running faster than the software can keep up.

    I use Returnil, sandboxie, AVG antivirus free, and Zonealarm free.

    I've been shopping for a free effective firewall that has more customization options than Zonealarm. I'm having problems with my torrent files even having done port forwarding on my router. I refuse to pay for any of these programs anymore because it seems as though when one website says they're good, another says they're lousy. It's very hard for the everyday person who is not a computer security expert to make sense of all this hoohah.

    By golly my Grandma ought to be able to come here and get understandable info.

    I mean, that is what this forum is for, right?
  8. Escalader

    Escalader Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    Land of the Mooses
    Yes you are absolutely correct. Let me say the following in the hope that it may help you. There is a forum that deals in non technical language it is called http://www.computerhaven.com/. I post there as well but have to watch my language or I get send down to the administrators office:cool:

    You want a free FW fine. Here are some thoughts for you on that front.

    1) Trial the OP FW Free 2009 which is what this thread is about.
    2) Trial the OA Free version and see if that works more to your liking
    3) Trial the PC Tools Personal FW which is free as well

    Note the word trial as each users set up is "unique".

    You will need to learn something about FW's in order for them to help you.

    Otherwise it would be like getting a free car and not knowing how to drive or change the oil. Not good.

    For learning try the sticky's at the top of this other FW's forum they are well written, no learning is not an option.

    I hope this helps you:D
  9. wat0114

    wat0114 Guest

    Hi NutzySheWolf,

    welcome to Wilders and congratulations on your first post; it's a whopper :D :p

    Anyways, I agree with Escalader's post. They're all excellent firewalls in their own way. You just have to settle for one that fits your comfort zone. Feel free to ask questions in this forum. I'm sure most of us will go easy on you when responding :)

    If you use Outpost free, there is a nice sticky on it here with informative and easy to understand screen shots.

    Online Armor has forum on their free version here as well
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2009
  10. hayc59

    hayc59 Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    NutzySheWolf, hello and welcome to wilders!! :)

    Escalader and wat0114 just gave you the best advise your
    going to get here, if I was new to the game...thats what I would
    do....good luck
  11. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    IMO, no.

    In fact I find the underlying tone of this First Post somewhat offensive.

    I would like to see someone go into a forum frequently visited by doctors and complain about the excessive use of latin terms, or go into a forum frequently visited by lawyers and complain about the excessive use of "legalese".

    The insinuation in this post is that this should be easy, but some are making it unnecessarily complex.

    Well, THIS IS COMPLEX, and a quick read of something such as the official HTTP specification should be enough to convince even the most skeptical observer.
  12. NutzySheWolf

    NutzySheWolf Registered Member

    May 4, 2006
    Thank you for the replies..

    I'll check them out in the next few days. My time is somewhat limited at the present time. But I'll read as I can.

    I'm not much of a poster on security forums because I'm not educated enough in the security field, but I do read. And I'm sure there are a lot of other people out there just like me.
  13. NutzySheWolf

    NutzySheWolf Registered Member

    May 4, 2006
    You're comparing apples to oranges there.

    This is a public forum open to everyone, or so it seems to me, for spreading information and discussing security issues.

    This is not a closed forum for security experts to confer together.

    A physicians forum, or a lawyer's forum, such as you speak of, would not have open registration so the point is, well, pointless. And if there is such a forum then they know good and well that most everyday people would not know all those terms otherwise they wouldn't need to hire doctors and lawyers.

    And you can be offended if you like. It is rude and obnoxious to speak in such a way, in company, that it cannot be comprehended by all present. Sort of like speaking in another language when you have guests that don't speak the language.

    I know some people are enthusiastic, and get carried away, it's inevitable when you get a bunch of like minded people together. All I'm saying is; can you at least interpret it for the less technical user so they can begin to learn a bit more without having to look up each term they run across. It's extremely annoying, and it takes so much time to do that, they'll probably just give up and go away instead of learning what they need to know.

    I don't know about you, but I don't have the kind of time on my hands that it takes to learn all this. I have other responsibilities that require my attention, and I don't have the spare time to spend online, researching, or reading books. Maybe at some point in the future I'll have more time, as I have had in the past, but that doesn't help me with what I need to know now.
  14. arran

    arran Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2008
    and at the same time this is not a closed forum for Noobs/Newbies either. if you took the time there are other threads in here you can go thru and read and learn with the discussions not being as "Technical" as it has been in this thread.
  15. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005
    I have and still do.

    I will not leave a doctor before I fully understand what is being put forward, the same is for solicitors.
    If a doctor does not speak my language, then I will find/use one that does.

    We need to stay on topic here,.. it is far too easy to drift.

    This thread is very close to being closed.

    - Stem
  16. NutzySheWolf

    NutzySheWolf Registered Member

    May 4, 2006

    Now you're getting ridiculous. People have been rude and cryptic, I posted a protest and all you can do is get defensive and keep posting defenses. No one twists YOUR arm and makes you be rude to people either.

    And you don't have to be here either. You're NOT a moderator, or the board police, so you can toddle off to some security expert board and post geek speak to each other all day. No one is making you come here either. This forum is here for people to learn about computer security. If people knew everything there would be no need for the forum.

    Now why don't YOU write to all of those people you listed for me and complain about that, eh? Mate!

    And I didn't say Wilder's was annoying, I SAID that posts in undecipherable Geek Speak are annoying. Big difference.
  17. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005
    This is an open forum for newbies or experianced, it is just I take more time to explain if needed for a newbie.

    Come on, how many do that on any forum? If time cannot be spent to explain (or show links to posts that explain), then whats the point?

    Anyway, get back on topic,..

    - Stem
  18. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005
    I am, and you need to chill out, or find how posts are removed.

    I can understand frustration if info is not understood, or if questions are asked and then not replied to. If you have direct questions, then please ask, you can even make a new thread to ask (which would probably be better than a question being lost in a long thread)

    - Stem
  19. NutzySheWolf

    NutzySheWolf Registered Member

    May 4, 2006
    I never said or implied that it was a closed board for Noobs. I'm not a Noob as you so offensively put it. I do all of my own computer work, thank you very much. And when I'm explaining things to people who don't know about the mysteries of computers, I do not condescend as you are doing, or speak in technical jargon that flies over their heads so they don't understand.

    The measure of a person's knowledge is shown by being able to convey that knowledge in such a way that just about anyone can understand it.
    Not spouting jargon to look smart.

    I came across Wilder's again in a Google Search for information on a couple of programs I've been considering, and this post cropped up in the search. And if you all took the time to post in such a way that everyone can understand it people wouldn't have to go looking for something else just to decipher and understand what you have to say.

    It's been a while since I've been here. So I don't know my way around the forum any more. But I don't recall it being so jargonny.

    And someone has already respectfully and politely posted some links, for which I already thanked them, unlike your grossly rude, and insulting reply, which is exactly zero help at all.

    You gave your half cent's worth, and now I've given mine.

    Play again?
  20. Stem

    Stem Firewall Expert

    Oct 5, 2005
    From my own point of view. I dedicate to the learning of anyone, even myself. I will not have personal argument or bull.

    I am closing this thread.


    - Stem
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