Outlook Express

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by bamaman66, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. bamaman66

    bamaman66 Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2006
    I have received email from one individual and when I click on forward all the addresses show up in the body of the letter except the person's address who sent me the letter. I ask him if it was something in his email settings but he didn't know. Does anyone know how this is done. I do not know of any way that the email can be set to eliminate your email address when you forward an email.
  2. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    More importantly what email client are you using..it is also Outlook Express ?

    Forward a Message as an Attachment with Windows Mail or Outlook Express
    To forward an email attached to a new message in Windows Mail or Outlook Express:

    Highlight the message in its mailbox.
    Alternatively, open it in its own window.
    Select Message | Forward as Attachment from the menu.
    Address and compose the message as usual.
    Finally, click Send to deliver it.
    If you want to make sure you're not revealing anybody's email address to the recipient of the forwarded message, you should take some extra steps.

    Forwarding emails as attachments is a clean and useful way to share them with others. Unfortunately, doing this will usually also share all the email addresses of the original message with the recipient of the forwarded message: the sender (which is desirable), but also all the To: and Cc: recipients (which should be avoided in general).
    Forward Emails as Attachments Without Revealing Addresses
    To forward an email as an attachment without revealing all the addresses in it:

    Save the message you want to forward as a .eml or .msg file.
    Open the saved message in a text editor like Notepad.
    Delete all the email addresses you do not want to reveal.
    Usually, you can simply remove the To: and Cc: lines completely.
    In your email client, forward the original message as an attachment.
    Before sending the forward, however, delete the automatically generated attachment.
    Attach your edited .eml or .msg file instead.
    Continue composing and delivering the forward as usual.
  3. bamaman66

    bamaman66 Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2006
    I understand how to delete other people's address before I forward anything. The person who sends me mail that he is forwarding does not have his email address on it when I click on forward. I am wanting to send mail so that if a person forwards it my address will not be on it. Some of the people I send mail to just click on forward and send it with all the addresses shown. I do not like for email to be going everywhere with my address.
  4. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    So as a general rule think about it this way..when you reply to an email
    you are giving a response back to the person who sent you the email that was in the From:...but when you forward an email you are never forwarding it back to that which is in the From:...the other addresses show up only because the sender did not first clean them up before it was sent to you.
  5. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    That I am afraid really depends on the email client of those YOU forward it to and what they do with your email and the address.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  6. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    ...also realize under view in OE if you have a check on all headers
    and you single click on an email your receive then hit the forward button you will see the From: of the person who did send you that email in the body of it as it composes the email you want to forward...but if you double click on the email in the inbox and it opens up into a new window you will only see those people who were also sent the email under To: and CC: in the body when you hit now the forward button..and the From: will not be in there from the person who orginally sent it to you.
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