OS Migration copy error

Discussion in 'Other Paragon Disk Utilities' started by Nikoli123, Dec 26, 2011.

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  1. Nikoli123

    Nikoli123 Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2011
    Copied my OS to new SSD.
    Did not boot on restart.
    Attempted to re-copy my OS onto SSD. (Thinking I had forgotten an important file or something like that)
    With about 33 minutes left to copy OS, prompted to restart computer.
    (This did not occur the first time I "successfully" copied to SSD)
    Restart and go to very DOS-like copy GUI.
    Program attempts to copy OS but runs into problems about 1/2 way through process. Get "Some error occured. Cannot read file"
    I assume that the program runs into a problem it did not encounter in the first copy and that is why it tries to copy the OS from earlier in the boot up process.

    Question: Why doesnt the program work like it did the first time? I have made not changes to the system since this all took place yesterday. Why am I getting this cannot read error?

    I have a Dell XPS 630i Motherboard running Vista. SSD is seen in BIOS but not in Windows. (I could see it in Windows after first successful copy but not since I tried to re-copy it to SSD) SSD is an INTEL 120GB 320 Series. I have downloaded the update to Migrate OS to SSD program, but same results.

    ANY help will be greatly appreciated!
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