Opinions please on this comment.

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by Acadia, Dec 15, 2002.

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  1. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Someone in another newsgroup said this about our NOD:

    "I have always felt a little leery of NOD. It appears to often tag generically rather than providing a specific ID (possibly) indicating a heavy reliance of heuristics - a trait which could result in below par disinfection capabilities."

    Seeing as I'm a new user of NOD, I am a little bit concerned although I have always used GoBack to get rid of the viruses that I have contracted. I only use scanners to inform me that I have contracted a virus, still I am concerned or at least interested. Opinions, comments on this other person's opinion? Thank you.
  2. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    That is a classic example of a person using some twisted reasoning that makes no sense.
    No matter where you go, there are the "ex spurts". They are the self proclaimed experts, ever offering their "superior" wisdom and opinions.
    NOD32 is excellent anti virus protection. No more, no less. It does not try to excell in trojan protection, but does offer some and the trojan database is growing, I believe.
    Knowing that, you should have no misgivings about being a NOD32 user.
    This is not my opinion only. It is the opinion of many, many satisfied users of NOD32 and several testing sites such as Virus Bulletin, which many consider to be the standard.
    And I don't even use NOD32, I use DRWeb because I want to evaluate it for a while.
  3. Using GoBack to get rid of the viruses?


    1st of all, I don't get viruses anymore because I have NOD32 in my system..

    2ndly, when I cleaned up viruses of 2 co workers of mine, (they bought NOD32) the FIRST thing I did was shut down System Restore or GO Back.. So I could make sure the virus and or remnanats of the virus were gone! I would clean up system restore and then run NOD32, let it clean up, and then run NOD32 again to verify a virus free computer!!

    If the software works, then you know it's good! Try as I might, I could not get Ad Aware to clean up Gator.. (Spyware)..

    Then I tried Spybot S&D, and it's done! Cleaned! Kaput!

    The guy who made this statement about AV's is on another planet..

    Why not just look at the facts! An AV is only good if it has bothe Great Heuristics and Updated Definations! Look at Virus Bulletin, 100% detection in the wild...

    That's what I would trust!!!!
  4. mrtwolman

    mrtwolman Eset Staff Account

    Dec 5, 2002
    Well i personally do not care if the virus is tagged generally like Win32/Name-of-the-beast or it is labeled as Win32/Name-of-the-beast.AEG. For Johny Average user it has no big sense. The virus variants mostly mostly differr in couple of bytes only - which in most cases have no importance for desinfection (with couple of exeptions).

    This is not true dear Watson :D If the virus is tagged with some specific name, although it has not extension like A, B etc. it is detected using scanstrings. And reliance on heuristics is a big plus - it can protect against most of the new viruses (remember Melissa ? - NOD picked it up heuristically without need for update).

    As for desinfection, IMHO it is only the second line of defense - the first one is detection of the virus/worm which does not get any chance to activate. Good AV proggy, like NOD32 could prevent most virus infections.
  5. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Rather harsh comments here :mad:

    The guy was only asking for opinions on what he was doing, and possibly reasurances.

    From what I read, he has purchased and is using Nod32, give the guy some slack, reasure him that Nod32 is the best... and that he will be protected.

    Nod32 will stand up in it's own defence... it doesn't require someone with a big stick... :D
  6. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    Not that harsh IMO ;). Some might have used outspoken language when commenting, but the info provided surely is to the point.

    I'm sure all of the contributors merely want(ed) to provide help.

    Everyone is given slack over here ;).


  7. rodzilla

    rodzilla Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    > "I have always felt a little leery of NOD. It appears to often tag generically rather than providing a specific ID (possibly) indicating a heavy reliance of heuristics - a trait which could result in below par disinfection capabilities."

    "I have always felt a little leery of Microsoft's operating systems. They appear to often crash generically rather than running 24/7, indicating a heavy reliance of human error in programming - a trait which could result in me kicking in the monitor screen if I'm having a badhair day."

    Historically, NOD32's heuristic analysis engines have detected more than 90% of new viruses and variants "before they were written".

    NOD32 doesn't even attempt to disinfect generically-tagged viruses ... but why would it need to ? If you'd received CIH, Melissa, LoveLetter, Homepage, Anna Kournikova, Badtrans, or any of many other "big name" viruses, they would not have infected your system ... so what difference would disinfection (or the lack thereof) have made to you ? There would have been nothing for you to disinfect!

    Today, NOD32 received "The Best Antivirus Program of 2002" award from Australian PC User ... making it two years in a row for this award. NOD32 isn't perfect ... no antivirus will handle 100% of viruses 100% of the time, and any antivirus vendor who tells you otherwise is a snake oiler ... but NOD32 puts you closer to 100% detection than anything else in the world ... and it's not all that bad at disinfection either. :)
  8. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Well said Rod :D
  9. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Thanks all for replies. I would never use System Restore, which I don't even have being a win98 user, to get rid of a virus. System Restore does not restore every single byte or sector of your system to their original state before a virus infection, only GoBack does; if a virus does not exist on your hard drive at 5:00 p.m. and you contract a virus at 7:00 then it also doesn't exist at 10:00 p.m. if you restore your ENTIRE hard drive to the exact same state it was in at 5:00. However, I have learned since my post of yesterday that GoBack would do nothing for a memory resident virus. Anyway, thanks again for the reassurance that I am now using one of the best (dare I say THE best) scanners out there.
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