Onion Service version 2 deprecation timeline From today (July 2nd, 2020), the Internet has around 16 months to migrate from onion services v2 to v3 once and for all July 2, 2020 https://blog.torproject.org/v2-deprecation-timeline
I am curious why anybody would even consider continuing to run v2? Remember v3 was released early in 2018, and that is 2 1/2 years ago.
OnionCat. There's a 1:1 correspondence between onion v2 URLs and an IPv6 /48 (about 1.2089x10^24). That makes it very easy to network multiple v2 onion servers. However, there are about 6.0708x10^82 onion v3 URLs, so it's vastly not a 1:1 correspondence. You could match up to about 1.2089x10^24 of them to the IPv6 /48 that OnionCat uses, but it'd be a manual process. So you'd need to distribute a hosts file, and then manage to keep all peers updated. And in practice, there'd likely be multiple alternative mappings, so it'd get very confusing. Even if someone rewrote ObionCat, there are only about 4.2535x10^37 public IPv6 addresses overall, so a 1:1 correspondence would still be impossible.
Perhaps, but if I took a guess I would bet its because folks won't update until they are forced to. I never considered your thoughts since they don't apply to my paradigm at all.