OE Classic discussions and updates

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by FanJ, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. mhooker32

    mhooker32 Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2022
    my OE classic used to download pics automatically. now i dont see an option to do so. im using pro 2.52. now to delete an email, i have to wait for a download. any way around this? thanks
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    The current Pro version is 3.2.43
    Could you give more info?
    Did you change something on your system and/or with respect to OE Classic?
    Are you talking about pics in the email itself or as attachments?

    You could have a look in OE Classic : Tools > Options > Read
    See screenshot.


    Do you have a checkmark in the box "Block external content in HTML emails (e.g. images, scripts)"?
    Your choice but I would definitely not allow external content; never! Again, it is your choice...
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  3. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - New version of OEC PRO (v3.2.44) released.

    - High DPI support (per monitor).
    - Fixed crash on program exit under some circumstances.

    Information from OEC's Facebook page:
    This update is a huge milestone for us - we've finished updating the program for a new compiler which brings us more modern features support which we'll be adding into OE Classic. Last compiler we were using was from 2010, so it is a huge step forward. This also took us a lot of time to make all the adjustments and tests to ensure everything works well.
    The update to the new compiler has revealed one major bug which could cause crash when exiting the program, which was completely hidden with the previous compiler even though the bug existed then as well.
    Another update is the support for High DPI monitors but this time - per monitor. Meaning - if you use 2 monitors and one of them is using lower DPI like 96 DPI, and another one higher DPI, when dragging the program from one to another monitor it will automatically readjust itself to higher or lower DPI, which wasn't the case previously. So it will make working with dual (or triple) monitors more comfortable.
    Some built in components were updated as well which again we couldn't do with the older compiler, so you'll notice some changes when dragging and dropping messages, more contrast for selected message in the list when message list is out of focus and more.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2022
  4. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - New version of OEC PRO (v3.2.45) released.

    Fixed a bug which would crash the program when spell checker (F7 in editor) is selected.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    New version of OEC PRO (v3.2.46) released - 27 Jan 2022

    Changelog (the ReadMe file) is the same as for v3.2.44 and v3.2.45.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  6. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - In OEC v3.2.44 some "build in components" were updated (see post #503). As a result of these updates other parts of the program code had to be adapted / changed as well. In spite of being thoroughly tested for bugs and changed behaviour, the program code of versions v3.2.45 and newer could still contain one or more bugs / changed behaviour (as compared with version v3.2.43).

    If you have noticed bugs or unwanted changes in behaviour that were caused by OEC v3.2.44 then please report them. Then it's possible that these bugs will be fixed in a/the next update of OEC. I assume that there will be more releases in the coming days each containing one or more (small ??) improvements / bug fixes for the program.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  7. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The following information was taken from OEC's Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/oeclassic/ )
    Lines preceded by "+" are a new feature in OEC. Lines preceded by "b:" are bugfixes.

    [2022-01-25] - OEC v3.2.45 released:
    b: Fixed Message Editor spell checker crash.

    [2022-01-27] - OEC v3.2.46 released:
    b: Fixed Message Editor To/Cc/Bcc buttons contact selection high DPI resizing issue (some fields not being visible).

    [2022-01-28] - OEC v3.2.47 released:
    b: Fixed Identity Manager pre-selected identity not being scrolled into visible position.

    [2022-01-29] - OEC v3.2.48 released:
    b: Fixed access violation error when opening Tools/Accounts.

    [2022-01-30] - OEC v3.2.49 released:
    b: Fixed Copy/Move to folder pre-selected folder being collapsed and also not scrolled into visible position.

    [2022-01-31] - OEC v3.2.50 released:
    b: Fixed Edit/Select All not working in main window.
    + Added main menu Edit/Copy (copies selected message text to clipboard, equivalent to Select-all + Copy + Deselect-all)

    [2022-02-01] - OEC v3.2.51 released:
    b: Fixed Edit/Select All not working in the Find window.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  8. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    [2022-02-06] - OEC v3.2.52 released
    [2022-02-08] - OEC v3.2.52 released

    No details provided of what changed.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
  9. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    [2022-03-08] OEC v3.2.54 released.

    The process of selecting & adding socalled "Emojis" has been improved. Not one of the improvements I was hoping for. Users can use the build-in update feature. But the download version from the OEC website has 2 small additional last minute improvements.

    (If there is no description of what has changed in a new version I not planning to add a new post in this thread).
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
  10. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New versions of OEC PRO released:

    [2022-03-22] Completely rewritten message decoder which is now 63% faster and more accurate
    [2022-03-18] TLS 1.3 support for IMAP (Didn't see TLS 1.3 in the program itself).
  11. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    More info for the latest version of OEC PRO (v3.2.55) taken from OEC's Facebook:

    New features
    • [2022-03-22] Completely rewritten message decoder which is now 63% faster and more accurate
    This amazing feature alone brings so many improvements that we'll probably be listing them fully in the following months. It also makes it easier to realize new features associated with the message decoder (for example improved Search). Here are just some of the many improvements this feature alone brings:
    - 63% faster (tested by decoding 20,000 messages in the old version and then in the new one) - old decoder (in 3.2.54 and older) took 89 seconds for the task, and the new one took only 33 seconds (see the chart included with this post).
    - Better detection of various message formats - for example, messages originating from Apple/iOS/MacOS mail program are now properly shown.
    - Attached images are shown below the message for both HTML and Plain-Text messages. They are of course also included in the list of attachments as well.
    - Invalid image extensions are automatically corrected into valid ones by auto-detecting format from the binary data (for example, mislabeled image.jpg is renamed to image.png if the underlying file is actually in PNG format).
    - Very long attachment filenames are decoded correctly - previously they were shown as "Attachment.bin" which is now corrected.
    - Issues with unrecognized <?> characters in Subject/To/Cc/Bcc/Attachments are no longer present, this is now fixed.
    - ICS calendar attachments are properly labeled (Filename.ics instead of Filename.txt) so they can be opened in a program supporting .ICS files.
    - Message delivery notifications and bounce messages are displayed with more details (text attachments automatically shown in the message).
    • [2022-03-18] TLS 1.3 support for IMAP
    In addition to all of the above, the latest update now also supports TLS 1.3 for IMAP (and in time we'll also support it for POP and SMTP). We've tested it - and it works well with Gmail with the TLS 1.2 setting which will be soon renamed to TLS 1.2+ (indicating "TLS 1.2 or better") and the new TLS 1.3+ option ("TLS 1.3 or better") will be added if you don't want to use anything lower than TLS 1.3. But note that this won't work if the server doesn't support TLS 1.3 as well.
    Not all mail servers utilize TLS 1.3, but Gmail does and now OE Classic does as well. OE Classic users benefit by having a more secure connection using stronger ciphers (TLS 1.3 only allows ciphers which have no know vulnerabilities), faster TLS 1.3 handshake which means faster initial connection, faster re-connection to the existing connection (zero-round-trip time) and less data usage as a result.
    If the server you're using doesn't support TLS 1.3 yet, the TLS 1.2 setting will work just fine but will use TLS 1.2 of course, and will automatically utilize TLS 1.3 if your server introduces it in some future, as TLS 1.2 setting now means "1.2 or better". That means 1.3 will be used (if available) and you don't even have to adjust your settings if they are already set to TLS 1.2.
  12. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2.56 - 31 Mar 2022

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2022-03-28] Message structure and other information shown in Message Properties / Expert
    [b] [2022-03-31] IMAP fixes for unrecognized message lists (4 fixes)
  13. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2.57 - 09 Apr 2022

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [b] [2022-04-09] IMAP fixes for unrecognized message lists (5 fixes)
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2.58 - 12 Apr 2022

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2022-04-12] Completely rewritten message encoder which addresses a number of encoding issues and make a message more valid and more compatible with other programs

    [b] [2022-04-12] Embedded images no longer disappear after a message being edited is saved to Drafts

    Hi @Willy2 , if you might have more info about it, please let us know ;)
  15. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - Facebook didn't provide any additional (useful) info either.
    - I know that the next FREE version of OEC is "in the works". The precise date of the release is still "up in the air".
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
  16. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    OEC PRO v3.2.60 released:

    New improvements:
    - [2022-04-30] Completely rewritten SMTP implementation which now supports TLS 1.3.
    - [2022-04-21] More responsive UI - no longer blocking the communication thread.

    (Still looking forward to the next FREE version of OEC).
  17. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002

    What means "More responsive UI - no longer blocking the communication thread"?
  18. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - Haven't got the faintest clue what that means. My best guess is that there were 2 internal processes that (can) run parallel but that one process interfered with that other process.

    Information taken from OEC's Facebook page:
    [2022-04-30] Completely rewritten SMTP implementation which now supports TLS 1.3 (in addition to the already existing TLS 1.3 implementation when using IMAP) - TLS 1.3 is the latest and the most secure version of the TLS protocol
    [2022-04-21] More responsive UI - no longer blocking the communication thread which continues to run after it requests the main thread to update a status message or logs - previously it had to pause for a short time to wait for that to happen, so this will make UI more responsive as a result
    [2022-04-12] Completely rewritten message encoder which addresses a number of encoding issues and make a message more valid and more compatible with other programs
    [2022-03-28] Message structure and other information shown in Message Properties / Expert (see the attached screenshot)

    [2022-04-12] Embedded images no longer disappear after a message being edited is saved to Drafts
    [2022-04-09] IMAP fixes for unrecognized message lists (5 fixes total)

    Many of the features are improved as a result of the above changes:
    • Contacts which don't have valid email are automatically cleaned up from the list if inserted from a group which may contain such contacts - which as a result avoids some sending errors
    • Message structure (visible under Message Properties » Expert tab) is more compatible with the structure used by Microsoft and Google which may as a result make it display better in some other email programs
    • Fixes encoding issues (<?> characters instead of the correct characters) for Subject/From/To/Cc/Bcc headers
    • Fixes issues with encoding the attachment names which are using Unicode characters (or non-English scripts)
    • <Undisclosed-Recipient:;> is now added automatically when sending, if all recipients are in the "Bcc" field and none in "To" and "Cc". So there is no more need to add a single recipient into the "To" field as <Undisclosed-Recipient:;> is now added there for you - automatically
    • Much faster sending (as there is no more extensive logging)
    • Recipient list (To/Cc/Bcc headers) is listed in the message source one row after another making it look cleaner when viewing the message source
    • Optimizations to create smallest possible messages
  19. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    In the meanwhile released: OE Classic Pro 3.2.61 - 04 May 2022

    No changes in the changelog compared to the previous version.
  20. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - The program code that helps to display the folder names and the amount of (un-)read messages has been updated/improved.
  21. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Is that info from Facebook?
    When I compare the ReadMe.txt files (the changelogs) for OE Classic Pro 3.2.60 and OE Classic Pro 3.2.61 I don't see that change.
    Thanks again.
  22. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - I just noticed it myself when I used this version of the program. There could be more small bugfixes / improvements in this version that are not mentioned.
    Last edited: May 8, 2022
  23. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Released: OE Classic Pro 3.2.62 - 08 May 2022

    Again no mention of new changes in the changelog.
  24. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2.63 beta released - 13 May 2022

    [2022-05-13] Message editor size optimization creates as small message as possible
  25. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2.64 beta released - 16 May 2022

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [b] [2022-05-16] Switching between Edit/Source/Preview now stops running sounds and effects to avoid audio duplication in stationery

    [b] [2022-05-16] Preview tab in the Message Editor didn't work for VBScript on Windows 10 or newer
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