OE Classic discussions and updates

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by FanJ, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - New update available for OEC PRO version v3.2:

    [2021-08-06] Clicking into Message Editor uses font set by user.

    - This was one thing from my wish list. I assume this made possible by re-writing the "HTML display component". But I have things on that wish list that have a much higher priority.
    - My personal opinion is that after adding MAPI the developers should have released the OEC FREE version v3.2 (assuming that that version was good enough to be released).

    The following text comes from OEC's Facebook page:
    "One of our users has created a tool to make backup of OE Classic's data folder with some OE Classic-related options. We haven't tested it, but if you want to try it out or have use for it, download it at the following link - https://oldnesjunkie.com/oeclassic.php".
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  2. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - More information about the update of OEC mentioned in the previous post (source: Facebook):

    • Font set by user (both for Plain Text and HTML) "sticks" better now. In previous versions it was possible to lose font color or other attributes by clicking into the Message Editor when it opened. This should work much better now keeping the user-defined font.
    • Conversion from HTML to Plain Text didn't remove background image and didn't clear Undo buffer. This is all now improved and fixed. It also ensures to use user-defined fonts when doing a conversion.
    • Spell check attribute of the message is now properly removed when message is sent or saved.
    • Stationery message could be loaded as Plain Text message depending on the Options in older versions. Now it always loads as HTML message as stationery is always a HTML message.
  3. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The author of the backup program (as mentioned in reply # 476) has the intention of making a multi language version of the program. If you are someone who has a non-english Windows OS and wants to translate the program into your language then send the author a message you want to help out.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  4. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC available today:

    [2021-09-02] Updated SQLite library (3.36.0)
    [2021-09-07] More modular design makes startup faster.
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    I got an update on 11 Sept 2021.
    But the changelog (the ReadMe file) wasn't changed.
  6. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2 beta (02 Oct 2021) released

    New feature
    [2021-10-02] New command line parameter (-identity "Name" "Password") - starts identity "Name" (optional "Password")
  7. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO available:

    Quote from OEC's Facebook page:

    These improvements are fixes of new features added in 3.2 so are not listed in the ReadMe file.
    Bug fixes
    • Keyboard shortcuts CTRL+O (Open) and CTRL+N (New Message) not working when user clicked into the message viewer (message body) or preview pane (also message body).
    • "Script error" popup being shown when displaying certain messages.

    All these small things are fixed in preparation for the next release of the next FREE version of OEC. I don't know what the version number is going to be.Version v3.2 or v4.0 ??
  8. honey46222

    honey46222 Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2020
    I have the PRO but haven't been to the site in awhile. I think the Free users might be one update behind and that they are limited to one identity only.

    "Pro version users - please download from registered user page instead!"
  9. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - Or update with the build-in update mechanism.
    - I know that there have been A LOT OF changes "under the bonnet", so I wouldn't be surprised to see that the next (FREE) version is going to be v4.0. But I don't intend to lose sleep over this "version issue".
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  10. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New update available for OEC PRO v3.2:

    [2021-10-17] Message HTML now entirely created in memory for faster display
    [2021-10-21] No more slowdown on messages with invalid external links (showing/replying/forwarding)
    [2021-10-19] Zoom over 100% didn't scroll initial message to top.
  11. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    As far as I can tell they made a little mess with the file ReadMe.txt (the internal changelog), when you compare it with previous ones. Anyway, not so important.
  12. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    October 24, 2021 New version of OEC PRO released.

    [2021-10-24] New keyboard shortcuts in the Message Editor.
    - CTRL+SHIFT+S (Insert default signature)
    - CTRL+TAB (Cycle tabs Edit->Source->Preview)
    - CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Reverse cycle tabs Preview->Source->Edit)
    - CTRL+Enter (Send Message)

    Text taken from OEC's Facebook page:
    New features
    • [2021-10-17] Message HTML now entirely created in memory for faster display
    Bug fixes
    • [2021-10-21] No more slowdown on messages with invalid external links (showing/replying/forwarding)
    • [2021-10-19] Zoom over 100% didn't scroll initial message to top
    You'll notice that we now use top-down sorted list of features and bug fixes so you can find the latest ones on top of the list if you check the list frequently.
    We're proud to announce that after 11 years, we've finally found a way to fix the slowdown of emails which contained invalid links, even though we were aware of the problem for at least 7 years, but without a good solution. This problem is now a thing of the past. Before, when certain emails have contained invalid links, OE Classic would slow down (seemingly freeze), for about 20-30 seconds, attempting to open such links until it failed. During that time, message was not shown, it looked as the program was frozen. The same situation happened if you tried to reply or forward such a message. This is no longer the case. Now it auto-detects such invalid links and discards them immediately so the messages show up immediately. The reason why we couldn't find the solution for so long was because with that part of the program we're dependent on Microsoft's code where we cannot really repair things, the documentation and good examples were scarce and we didn't really know where to look for. We know better now and you can now also enjoy the fruits of that labor and research in the latest update.
    Also, if you were using zoom feature to make incoming emails larger, you may have noticed that they opened up a few lines down from the top of the message. This too is now fixed, the messages open on the top of the message and properly zoomed-in.
    Finally, the messages were rendered before into a temporary file which was then displayed. So first it was read off of a disk, then rendered, then saved back to disk, then loaded again to be shown. This was inefficient and is no longer the case, the message is now rendered entirely in memory and the temporary file is no longer needed. So displaying it will be faster as well!
    Enjoy the latest update - we've worked really hard on this one!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2021
  13. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Thanks for your post (in particular the quotes from FB)! I got it already.

    Yeah, I had noticed it.
  14. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - My personal opinion is and remains that the next FREE version of OEC should have been released months ago.
  15. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    [October 28, 2021] New update for OEC PRO v3.2:

    [2021-10-24] New keyboard shortcuts in the Message Editor:
    CTRL+SHIFT+S (Insert default signature),
    CTRL+TAB (Cycle tabs Edit->Source->Preview),
    CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Reverse cycle tabs Preview->Source->Edit),
    CTRL+Enter (Send Message)

    Bug fixes (unlisted in the ReadMe.txt)
    [2021-10-28] Fixed issue of not using correct filenames when attaching files using Simple MAPI ("Send to Mail Recipient" from some programs)
    [2021-10-27] Fixes for misbehaving stationery using VBScript (IE7 legacy mode) on Windows 10 (and 11) and Pinterest emails not showing images.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  16. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - I always look at the size of a new update. That gives me a decent clue whether or not features have been added or that some features are removed. these features could have been removed as a result of bugs in the program code.
  17. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic Pro 3.2 beta (08 Nov 2021) released

    New feature
    [2021-11-07] Improved messaging between Options and various windows to update modified settings instantly

    I noticed something new:
    When you let it check for update, it shows now:


    I assume that 37 is the buildnumber.
    I see it also in the ReadMe file (the changelog):
    It was like this: OE Classic 3.2:
    It is now: OE Classic 3.2.37:

    If it is indeed the buildnumber, I applaud that.
    But then it should also be shown in the About-tab:

  18. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    PS: this could have been more clear (the wording):
    "Improved messaging between Options and various windows to update modified settings instantly"
  19. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - The build number (v3.2.37) is also published on the download page on the website of OEC.
  20. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Aha, I see it now. Also here: https://www.oeclassic.com/news

  21. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    In the latest version of OEC PRO (build v3.2.38, released today) the build number (v3.2.38 ) can be found in more parts of the program.

    Selected quotes (in bold italics) from the program files:

    OE Classic 3.2.38:

    [2021-11-17] New keyboard shortcut in the Main Window - CTRL+I (jump to Inbox)
    [2021-11-07] Improved messaging between Options and various windows to update modified settings instantly

    [2021-11-18] Message Editor popup menu Properties now enabled
    [2021-11-04] Blocked content bar appeared for a short time if the first opened message had external images
  22. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Yep, good! I noticed it. For example here in the main program:


    A minor thingie; maybe they could fix it.
    The file OEClassic.exe . Right click it, then the details tab. There is a strange character there at the Copyright:

  23. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    There was an update for OEClassic Pro (beta) on 21 Nov 2021.

    Bug fix
    [2021-11-21] Message Editor preview didn't allow clicking on links and link preview in the status bar

    They made a mess of the build numbering, and it was just recently introduced.. :thumbd:
    My goodness, I feel like I'm still that old former math teacher at the uni ...
    The inconsistencies ... I'd better shut my mouth ...
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2021
  24. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO (v3.2.40) released on november 28, 2021

    There are more of those small/minor bugs/things/issues in the program code, if you know where to look and if you "dig deep enough". But I don't think these will be fixed anytime soon as long as they don't make it onto the "High Priority" list. The top priority right now is to make the program stable (enough) for a release of OEC version v4.0.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  25. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The latest OEC PRO version is v3.2.42 (released: 11 december 2021).

    Beside the improvements listed on Facebook and mentioned in the "ReadMe.txt" file, there were lately - in this and previous versions - also a number of smaller fixes / improvements that are not mentioned in the "Readme.txt" file. Only those who use the program every day and keep "torturing" the program will notice those small improvements / fixes.

    OEC PRO version v3.2.43 released
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
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