They both have a Webguard of some type. I read somewhere that one should be deactivated. If that's true, which one? I'd like to try OA3. Thanks. Hugger
Hi Hugger, It depends; I too have both OA and Avira. In my case the webguard of Avira slows down my browsing/download speed tremendously. The webguard of OA does not slow down my browsing/download speed. I think I have read some reports where it stated that the webguard of OA caused slowdowns. So you should check it yourself since it is different for every system. In my case I disabled the webuard of Avira and left on the webguard of OA.
Try both and take your pick which one works better/faster/whatever for you? And yeah, having both enabled is bad.
Therefore I have both disabled and use Sandboxie and FF with NoScript instead. I never use a Web AV as it always slows things down. And OA's Web-Shield is pretty useless for me, as I am not using IE and don't care about endless ActiveX warnings. Cheers
Thanks for your help. Just found out that OA3 free doesn't have Web Guard or Mail Guard. Problem solved. Hugger
It was worth trying but it didn't work out. The combination of OA, TF, DW, SP and SD was too much protection for my pc. The system froze and had to be hard booted a number of times. But that's why I've got SP. Hugger
Even if it didn't froze..At the first site of a critical event(e.g malware) that flood of responces and alarm triggering plus all products trying to half malicious action..that would crash it it till you find the mix is best with you
I'm staying with what I had before trying OA3. My signature. The all work smoothly together. When DW introduces their outbound protection I hope to be able to lose PCTF. Regards. Hugger
Hugger: Best to have only one of these tools at a time AND set the exclusions up so the ones you do have mutually exclude each other. Example, I have OA V3 and Nod32 and have set them to NOT protect each other. Remove TF. 1 2 way FW, eg OA 3 2 1 HIPS in paid for me that is also OA 3 1 AV that is Nod32 4 1 ASW that for me is SAS 5 I also have Spyware Blaster which plays well with the rest. 6 FF not IE Then you should be good to go!