NPF 2006 : your opinion ?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by FanJ, Jan 20, 2006.

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  1. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    I see several postings about NIS.
    Most of these postings are talking about the NAV-part of it.
    But let's not forget that NIS has also a firewall-part, and that there is the NPF-2006 firewall.

    I see also postings about paid-for firewalls, but do they mention NPF?

    So this thread is about NPF-2006 !
    What is your opinion about it ?

    Jan (an old AtGuard fan ;)).

    PS: Did you know about:
    1- CrazyM's site:
    2- SvS's site:
  2. noway

    noway Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2005
    Convenient way to backup rules/settings that v2004 had, has been removed in v2005 and v2006.

    Statistics (network connections, firewall rules, last 60 seconds, etc.) was not available...feature removed altogether or bug?

    Other bugs (technically NIS2006, but likely NPF2006 too?):,15003228,14846968

    I liked AtGuard too. I use Symantec Client Security 3.0 which IMHO includes the best firewall (Symantec Client Firewall v8.6) Symantec has released. (includes backup/restore settings and working statistics). I just disabled the antivirus services after installing it. I'm not sure about the cost since it's really priced in groups for corporate use. Also, better documentation than consumer versions and occassional downloadable program updates in addition to/lieu of LiveUpdate. I've been using it for couple months and it hasn't crashed yet and haven't seen any major bugs. Memory use is high (firewall with adblocking=39 MB RAM with GUI closed) if that is a factor. I would highly recommend it as a firewall, but would not recommend any other Symantec firewalls, due to bugs and functionality removed. Symantec Client Security package also includes Ad Blocking, privacy, intrusion prevention, corporate version of antivirus, etc., but I can't comment on these additional features since I haven't tried them.
  3. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Thanks Noway for your info and those links; much appreciated !
  4. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    Jan, I don't remember me using NIS .. two/three years ago .. the AV was tried a while back, the FW I didn't used for a very long time .. so I cannot comment on the 2006 FW ..
  5. controler

    controler Guest

    I still have a copy of @Guard 3.22. ~snip~ :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2006
  6. Graystoke

    Graystoke Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    The San Joaquin Valley, California
    If I remember correctly, NPF has/had an ad blocking feature. Can the ad blocking feature be completely disabled?
  7. noway

    noway Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2005
  8. J at B

    J at B Guest


    It's me, Jan, not at home at the moment.
    I need to try to clean PC's from a friend; that comes first now (sorry, but I'm sure you all understand ;)).

    Cheers, Jan.
  9. wolfeyes89

    wolfeyes89 Guest

    i used the 05 versiona dn what i liked is that u could easilly block a specific ip adress.
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