NOTICE: Conflict with Ad-Aware Checker

Discussion in 'FileChecker & ID-Blaster Forum' started by javacool, May 1, 2002.

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  1. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    There is a known conflict between Ad-Aware Checker and FileChecker.

    See these postings for more details:;action=display;num=1020140319

    The symptoms are FileChecker giving you an error message when you try to add the Ad-Aware files to the watch-list (when Ad-Aware Checker is running).

    Since FileChecker performs the same (and many more!) functions as Ad-Aware Checker, it is recommended that you remove Ad-Aware Checker and simply add the Ad-Aware files to FileChecker. (Having FileChecker and Ad-Aware Checker on your system becomes rather redundant, anyway.)

    Thanks goes out to everyone who helped discover the cause of this problem (including mapsonx, who originally reported it, and Pretender, who tested running Ad-Aware Checker and FileChecker at the same time, and reported the same bug - since I was unable to duplicate the bug on any of my systems, their help is greatly appreciated). :)

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