Not sure which forum for Spyware Blaster question

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Wheels3572, May 5, 2003.

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  1. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    I am wondering. I open up spyware blaster to set some settings then if I click x it disappears. Does that mean it's no longer scanning. If I hit the - it just brings it down to the taskbar. Anyway of it getting put to the system tray (by the clock) or if I hit x is it still running even though it shows it as disappearing?

    Running Win98SE
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Wheels3572,

    Welcome to the Wilders Security Forums! :)

    SpywareBlaster doesn't need to run in the background. It provides its protection by setting flags on your system which stop certain Spyware related ActiveX controls from running. Once the flags are set, you can close SpywareBlaster down and your system remains protected.

    So, you don't need to leave it running at all. Just run it once, click the { Select All } button and then the { Protect Against Checked Items! } button, and you are done.

    However, you should run it periodically (say once a week or so) to check for new updated spyware definitions using the built-in Check for Updates function.

    I hope this helps,
  3. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003

    So basically what your telling me is I can do the settings and then shut the program down and it basically marks the HD with flags and even though the program isn't running it still protects against spyware?
  4. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    Yep, you got it. Neat huh. :D
  5. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    Awesome thanks :). that works great then :). I am trying a combination of spyware programs together to see which works best :).

    Any suggestions besides Spyware Blaster?
  6. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    Add SpywareGuard and check with either Adaware 6 or Spybot S&D from time to time to see that nothing made it through. Never did so far on my box (knock on wood) and safe surfing.
  7. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    I have Spybot S&D already and I ditched AdAware I think S&D said it was spyware or adware as the name says :). Not sure though. But I did ditch that.
    But I will get spyware Guard. Thanks.
  8. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    I think you are confusing AdAware with BPS Spywareremover or something else, but either one will serve you fine. If you are used to Spybot S&D stick with that. It´s a great product and offers good support.
  9. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    Actually I am just getting into the spyware removal programs so I am trying to feel out which is better and trying to get reviews on what's best but cant seem to find any hehehe. So I have heard some praises about Spybot S&D though so.
  10. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    Asking which one is better will get you nowhere since most have their preferences and like to make those heard. ;)
    Both AdAware and Spybot are great and can be used side by side. So you don´t have to choose and can try them both at the same time. There are other good ones, but these are the leading freeware programs at the time.
  11. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    That's what I was looking for was what was the leading ones at the moment :). You mentioned something about spyware guard. Can that be run with Spybot S&D and Adaware at th esame time? Or is that a 3rd program to use?
  12. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard will protect you from spyware trying to install. Both target different sorts and complement each other.
    Spybot S&D and AdAware will clean spyware off your computer. All will run very nice together. No known conflicts.
    So the first two are like resident guards and the last two are like scanners.
  13. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    Thanks for the explanation I will get those 2 that I am missing :) and install them :).
  14. Wheels3572

    Wheels3572 Registered Member

    May 5, 2003
    Just a follow up. Do you run Ad-watch with Adware or just Spyware blaster and Spyguard?
  15. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

    I hardly ever use AdWatch although I do own AdAware Pro.
    I find AdWatch a little too nervous for my liking, but I guess that is a matter of personal preference. I do turn it on when I visit places where you can expect to run into "trouble" and it has saved me once from an unsollicited download.
  16. CalamityJane

    CalamityJane Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2002
    Central Florida
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