Norton Antivirus 2009 and Norton Internet Securithy 2009 final versons released

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Cloudcroft, Sep 8, 2008.

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  1. ankupan

    ankupan Registered Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    I got option to ignore it, it is running great too.

    NIS 2009 :thumb: :) ;)

  2. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    I hate NORTON !!!
    It has a transparent GUI .... yuck !! :thumbd:
    And taking a page from PCMag's books .... It has lousy Parental Control :thumbd:

    That's it, NORTON 2009 is doomed :p

    ( That's pretty much what I could find .... Norton 2009 is great. If they could just add a expert mode which would display more working details and give more control. I would be left speech-less... )
  3. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    The whole idea of Norton is to give people (all who want..) a hassle free security. So no need for tweaking and twisting. Those who want that have more than enough other options to enjoy on the market ;)
  4. Atomic_Ed

    Atomic_Ed Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    The biggest hassle I exerienced with Norton's in the past was thier ridiculous activation scheme. If I reloaded my PC too many times they invalidated my valid license so my software would not function. I spent a week arguing with them over this and even thier support people agreed it was a crazy policy but were powerless to help in any way. I finally recieved a refund afer counteless hours of effort across various worldwide centers.

    Have they changed thier scheme on this or is it still the same? If they haven't then they could produce the most perfect security product in the world and it would be of no value to me personally because I reload my machine many times each year.
  5. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006

    this is one of the features I think is important & will make a big impact of detection. Also sonar has been improved, scans are pretty quick as well. Norton has really worked hard to make this a good release...
  6. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    Just ask them :)

    I do the same as you and have this problem with other companies every now and then. I did install NIS and 360 a few times too, but never had a problem with not being able to install again.
  7. CountryGuy

    CountryGuy Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    Just to temper the enthusiasm (and even without SONAR, I'm going to use this too on my 64 bit rig), I still have some concerns over the long term:

    1) Their (apparent) lack of knowledge of 64 bit systems does concern me somewhat. SONAR not working, given the intricacies of PatchGuard, I'll give them. Not being able to integrate contextual scanning after two years... :doubt:

    2) And my biggest worry: Complacency. I fully believe many of the changes from 2007 onward had to do with the competition offering better, faster products. It took the sleeping giant a few years to wake up, but yeah - They've created a juggernaut with this release. I want it to be good (since I'm using it :D ), but not TOO good. If this shuts down a lot of the competition, its not hard to imagine Symantec sitting back and not investing in R&D.

    Also, there are still areas for improvement. One area, for example, is one that I don't think Kaspersky gets enough credit for, and that's incorporating a app vulnerability check with their product. Symantec is very good at catching malware that tries to get in via vulnerabilities. But if they can get even half of their customers to PATCH those vulnerabilities (be it older Flash versions, IE6, etc.), that could be a game-changer. And as a user with a kid taking her laptop to school, allowing NIS to email when detections are found would be nice.

    Again, don't get me wrong - I love this release. I helped beta test it (although my time is spent with useability stuff more than detections), and like the performance. But its important to keep them on their toes so we don't end up with NIS 2005 or 2006 again :D
  8. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    I totally agree with that :thumb:
  9. Atomic_Ed

    Atomic_Ed Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Actually I'd rather not ask them anything since it takes a week to get a question answered with them in my experience. Besides I have already vowed, since it was one of the most terrible experiences I ever had with customer service, that I would never ever deal with them again as long as I live. I was just curious to see if that crazy policy that punishes legitimate paying enthusiast users and does nothing for real piracy, was ever addressed. I actually hope this new release is a winner and all it is initially cracked up to be from all the comments and that none of the users who buy it ever have to go through what I did with them.
  10. Victek

    Victek Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    If some people do start bashing the product it will be interesting to see on what basis. The improvements over the 2008 line are astonishing, but nothing is perfect.
  11. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006

    geeze you need to get an opinion <g>...unless you've tried it why knock it unless it just pure bias & opinion only, than that's what it's worth...
  12. proactivelover

    proactivelover Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2006
    Near Wilders Forums
    i think in future panda antivirus will do the same as symantec did
  13. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    im hoping all big vendors such as panda,mcafee,trend micro etc will.
  14. the_sly_dog

    the_sly_dog Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    The Heart Of London
  15. InfinityAz

    InfinityAz Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2005
    Been using the beta for a few weeks and installed the final version. As others have said it is very light, quick, etc. and I'm very impressed. Moving to this instead of NOD32 on 3 of my machines.

    Another nice feature is if you turn on Advanced Events Monitoring (under Advanced settings) NIS then acts as a HIPS and watches/prompts for:
    • Program components
    • Program launch
    • Command line execution
    • Code injection
    • Window messages
    • Direct network access
    • Active desktop change
    • Key logger monitor

    The only negative, if you want to call it that, is the increased number of pop-ups.
  16. mvdu

    mvdu Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2003
    NIS tends to be TOO open IMO.. there's a happy medium between no popups/very few and tons. I could adjust it, but many who don't know about security won't.
  17. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    It's on my PC for eight hours now...not a single popup... what kind of machine do u have?!
  18. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    ... And for them using NIS is more security than they will get from many other vendors. So a win-win situation. Again: think of the mass market. Not about the 'freaks' here.
  19. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    I can't find anywhere on the Symantec website that SONAR doesn't work in 64... Can you?
  20. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Installing it now on my test box.

    We will see how it performs from what I read here looks like the sleeping giant has been woken up lets see how well he is rested after his slumber. :D
  21. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    i point is the people who demand the fastest speed will be happy and can now reccomend nav and nis even on their gaming machines without noticing any slowdowns. the pulse updates mean protection is faster for alll users. hopfully sav/mail servers and all enterprize symantec products will include pulse updates asap to help less and less malware get to the users.
    im hoping nav/nis 2009 gets a special test at av comparitives.

    luckily nav/nis have all the features most users will need without the stuff they dont.
    for me a default install is fine.
    i just turn off the manage logins toolbar off and keep the antiphising toolbar on.
    i think the load early option should be taken out of options and just be on. i turned it on and didnt notice any difference in boot time.
    adverage users who want an all in one product can buy norton 360.
    while users like us can use nav/nis2009.

    hopefully microsoft will surprise us with windows 7.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  22. CountryGuy

    CountryGuy Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2008

    Unfortunately, this is still a negative I have with Symantec - Its very hard to get these little nuggets of information from their main site. I'm still using it since two of my machines are 32 bit, and the 64 bit is still protected by Bloodhound heuristics (which I turn to aggressive) as well as the pulse updates - I'm comfortable with the level of protection. Also, Vista 64's PatchGuard negates some (but not all) of the usefulness of SONAR. AS the number of 64 bit users increases, this should be something people can find out from the site, and not need to visit their beta boards.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  23. denniz

    denniz Registered Member

    Jul 26, 2007
    The Netherlands
    NIS2009 is running great! :cool:

    Excellent performance, super fast updates, very good protection and easy to configure!

    Very much recommended! :cool:
  24. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
  25. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    That's all nice but when I look at the information on the website at the final version SONAR is there for 32 and 64, so I have to assume.

    EDIT: even if SONAR is not there, Antibot does work on my 64 machine and is installed besides NIS 2009. So I do have SONAR then (looking at what you wrote, in any case ;) )
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
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