Nokia becomes the biggest Windows Phone manufacturer in just one quarter

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by guest, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. guest

    guest Guest

  2. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    If Verizon would get a Lumia 900 or better I would buy one right now...
  3. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    Still many limitations..waiting for MWC now
  4. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Unless you're waiting for cheap devices (Which is what MWC will bring with the Tango update) you'll be waiting until WP8 later this year, when you'll see a lot of hardware limitations go.
  5. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    Yes im waiting for limitations to go so i guess il wait for apollo
  6. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Not really a surprise IMO :D
    I know Android phones are overpowered but everytime i see a high end WP8 phone costing as much as a high end Android and have specs of 2010 phones i run away. :rolleyes:
  7. guest

    guest Guest

    Where did you see WP8 phones for sale? WP8 wasn't even released yet! And the upcoming "Tango" update isn't WP8. WP8's codename is "Apollo". :D
  8. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    By the time Apollo comes to rescue windows phones android will have moved even will always have to play catch up :rolleyes:
  9. guest

    guest Guest

    Things don't work like that, Android's development may slow down, WP's development may accelerate.. it's a long race, lol.
  10. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Oops i mean WP7 phones bwahahaha
  11. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Thanks to Android's brilliant updating system people will still be trying to get Android v4 whilst v7 or so will be out, so I don't think there's much to worry about.
  12. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    Im not saying about the updates that will be pushed to the customers , that is not android's fault that people dont get updates on time it is manufacturer's fault
    im talking about the improvements android will make - android and ios already have a huge lead on windows and i dont see that changing anytime soon
    imo the biggest threat windows will be able to give right now is in the tablet race when windows 8 launches
  13. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Quite simply, it won't change, no. But then again people seem to forget that Microsoft has a history of starting with products that are the underdog, and pumping billions into the product until it becomes successful. It happened with Windows, it happened with Windows Mobile, it happened with the Xbox, and it even happened with software like Office and IE. It could just as easily happen with Windows Phone. Hopefully the "eliminate competition" part doesn't happen or we will end up with another Windows Mobile 5 years down the line.
  14. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    Well i dont know much about the history of windows but what i knw is that right now google and apple are fighting tooth and nail and are advancing at breakneck speed
    Windows may give them a competition but not this year imo
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