nod32 won't install--says I have F-secure installed?

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by gwent, Aug 24, 2008.

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  1. gwent

    gwent Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    Hi--I'm new to the forum. I hope somebody can help me with this. I am trying to install nod32 ver. 3 , but at the installation menu, it says the following: "The installer has detected applications that might interfere with ESNET NOD32 Antivirus: F-Secure Software."
    The problem is, I don't have that software on my computer (I don't think.). I ran a windows search, and it did show that F-secure online scanner existed in my Windows folder, and according to F-Secure's site, to remove it, since it is an active-x application, I just right-click it and select "remove", which I did. But the same message comes up when I try to install NOD32. I then went into the registry and removed 1 entry called F-Secure. But I STILL get the same message when I try to install NOD32. So what can I do about this? Is it possible that some other security software uses F_secure? The only other security programs on my computer are Spybot, A-squared free scanner, Malwarebytes anti-malware free scanner, and Sophos Anti-rootkit. I'd appreciate any ideas. Thank you.
  2. BFG

    BFG Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    San Diego

    Did you reboot after deleting the file and removing the registry entry? If not please see if that will allow the installation to complete.

    Thank you,
  3. gwent

    gwent Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    I did reboot, thinking that would clear things out, but it still hasn't solved the problem. It's like there's something left over from F_Secure that's hiding somewhere on my PC, but I can't find it. Funny thing is, I don't remember ever installing F-Secure, so I don't know how it ended up on my computer in the first place.
  4. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Check your add and remove programs make sure nothing is siting in there you can also do this.

    Start > run > msconfig and click ok then go over to startup tab make sure there is nothing running that could be from F-secure. Also check your services don't disable unless you know its a service you can. click manufacture to see who made it if they put it in there.
  5. Ade 1

    Ade 1 Registered Member

    Jun 21, 2006
    In The Bath
  6. gwent

    gwent Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    Ade 1, it looks like that thread will solve the trouble, the problem is I don't know where in the registry the legacy drivers are located. If somebody could point me to the location of these legacy drivers for f-secure, I think I could handle it from there. Thanks.
  7. Ade 1

    Ade 1 Registered Member

    Jun 21, 2006
    In The Bath
    Hi. I just did a 'search' in the registry editor for either 'f-secure' or entries containing 'fs'. I'm sure it then pulls up the legacy driver ones. Also, during installation, isn't there an option to ignore the fact that f-secure has been detected and allows you to install it anyway? If you're sure you've uninstalled f-secure using add/remove programs or their removal tool then you shouldn't have any problems.
  8. tosbsas

    tosbsas Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Lima, Peru
    in any case do you use regrun? Or ssm? At least regrun shows as f-secure although its not, I simply ingore it

  9. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    Why not run Eset's F-Secure uninstaller?
  10. flik

    flik Registered Member

    May 21, 2006
    Same problem here. I uninstalled f-secure with revo uninstaller, tried alla remaval tools from f-secure. Also, I can't understand this:
    Using Regedit locate the relevant LEGACY_DRIVER and right click. In the Permissions for LEGACY_DRIVER Window click the Advanced button. From the new window that opens click the Owner Tab and Select "administrators" under the "Change Owner To" Heading.
    Tick the box that says 'Replace Owner on SubContainers and objects' and then click apply.
    Close that window. In the Permissions for LEGACY_DRIVER window give Everyone, Owner Rights and System in the Group or user names - Full Control. Click apply/okay.
    You can now right click and delete the Registry Entry for LEGACY_DRIVER.
    There is probably a better way but it's the only one that now works for me.
    Where is LEGACY_DRIVER;
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