nod32 ver 2 , include in outlook express ?

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by pn169, Aug 5, 2003.

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  1. pn169

    pn169 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2003
    Would be a nice feature to have nod32 to add a line when sendingan email also.
    As it works when you recieve emails.

    Hard to fix ? :)
  2. martindijk

    martindijk Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2003
    Gorredijk - the Netherlands
    Hi pn169,

    For what i understand, such feature will be incorporated in the near future according to the Mods.

  3. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    Geez! Another reason to NOT use the email scanner! If NOD is going to get junked up like NAV, I'll be leaving it real fast. I detest av's with lots of unnecessary junk added just to please the "average" user who thinks the junk is needed. I don't like any programs that have unnecessary junk and lots do these days. I also don't like av's that automate most everything like NAV or that have DRM.

    So, if this is added, I would hope it is made optional just as installing IMON, in the first place, is optional as it should be. Having that added will slow down your email a GREAT DEAL. It was awful in NAV. I had to turn it off right away. It took forever to send email with that on. Plus, it serves no purpose. Any sensible user will still scan any attachment with their own av before opening. They will not trust that statement! I sure wouldn't. So, I fail to see why you would want this. (But then I don't understand why anyone uses IMON anyhow).
  4. fryr

    fryr Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2003
    Outbound Mail Scanning

    I quite agree - outbound mail scanning, in my opinion, is pointless. If you have a mail worm and didn't detect it coming in you are not going to detect it going out. Outbound mail scanning and the message they attach is , in my opinion, a marketing ploy to get free advertising from the people that use it.
    Anyone with a real eye on security would ignore the tag line and not attach any significance to the affirmation that "This mail have been scanned with xxxxx with virus signature v1.2.3.444". The tag line could be added by a worm and who knows whether the virus protection or version number is current and that the virus hasn't circumvented the protection on the remote PC.

    With regards to Inbound Mail Scanning I hold a slightly different view - I personally would like to know at the point of entry that an email was infected. I know that the realtime monitor would pick it up anyway when the attachment was opened, which makes the initial inbound scanning obsolete, but I would rather have this double level of detection as most viruses enter via this method.
    I also think it is great that you can decide not to scan incoming mail and reduce the overhead at the point of install. That way everyone is happy.
  5. martindijk

    martindijk Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2003
    Gorredijk - the Netherlands
    Hi fryr,

    I couldn't agree with you more, i think it is oké to implement these features, as long as they are optional.

    Should your email contain a virus, Amon will catch it anyway :D

  6. DolfTraanberg

    DolfTraanberg Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2002
    Re:Outbound Mail Scanning

    There are more ways to become infected by a 'mail' worm.....
  7. pn169

    pn169 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2003
    Okie , :)

    Any idea when this release will be ready to download ?
  8. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002

    NOD32 (the IMON module) scans the inbound e-mail. The AMON module (as an on-access scanner) protects the machine from being infected too and doesn't let to send an infected e-mail (if setup properly). So I'd agree with more people here there is no need for overhead scanning of the outbound e-mail.

    Best wishes, :)

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