nod32 services

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by hidden, Jul 20, 2003.

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  1. hidden

    hidden Guest

    i just installed nod32 and was wandering why it runs 2 services when version 1 only ran 1. are they both needed nod32kui.exe and nod32krn.exe. i dont need scanning for outlook.
  2. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi hidden,

    >i just installed nod32 and was wandering why it runs 2 services when version 1 only ran 1. are they both needed nod32kui.exe and nod32krn.exe. i dont need scanning for outlook.

    You need both:

    nod32krn.exe performs the main functions and

    nod32kui.exe is carrying about the user interface.

    Rgds., :)

  3. DiGi

    DiGi Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003
    in the middle of nowhere
    Do I really need nod32kui running?
    I set my AMON/IMON to automatic clear/remove infected files (and send mail notify). All works fine (incl. updates and mirroring)...
    So nod32kui is only user interface / configuration... Is it true?
  4. Nitrox

    Nitrox Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    I also have a question about this that's been bugging me. I run Kaspersky as my resident scanner and Nod32 Version 2.0 as an on demand scanner. Can I disable the NOD tray icon or prevent it from starting up?
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