Nod32 going down!!!

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by adiel, Feb 20, 2003.

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  1. adiel

    adiel Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    I beleive some of you will remember me...if not...then i am sure the so called admin here..rody..will is a little gift for you all...visit this page

    although AVG too did'nt do very well..but it was ABOVE nod32 and DID better than nod32...

    so maybe you should all go to that site and email those people calling them trolls...and try to reassure yourself..that nod32 is best.

    you are living in a world of illusions....oh..nod32 has won 1000 awards..ohh...nod32 is great....
    Face the reality.
  2. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    your cracking me up ;) OMG....

    Just get these viruses and worm and run them on your on machine... they'll be caught by most anti-virus/anti-worms.

    nice try ;)
  3. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    There is a forum for other av's. Why don't you post there ?
    BTW you are pathetic.
  4. adiel

    adiel Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    heeeheeeeheeeeee...i know you will never admit that nod32 is not so happily with your nod32...i was just trying to show you the real side.

    And by the way those virus tested there were not in thier original the whole page..they were packed several times with different packers.
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    FYI - This test was already posted in the "other anti-virus software" forum by one of this site's moderators, and a discussion is current proceeding over here.

    adiel - I'm sure everyone here appreciates that you are solely motivated by your interest in keeping us all secure.
  6. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    "And by the way those virus tested there were not in thier original the whole page..they were packed several times with different packers."

    And since all the AV's tested, according to Wizard in thread regarding the test, do detect the malware when it is unpacked, what the test represents is how various apps do in regards to packed malware. In order to execute, the malware must first be unpacked and then they can be detected by the AV's that do not place an emphasis on detection in packed files. (An approach some anti Trojans apps also use, so I understand.)

    So it's a matter of what one prefers or thinks is better for one's use. Although based on your current and previous posts, it appears that you do not understand the information you see and believe you have nothing to learn and therefore ignore information that does not support your views.

    BTW, again your manner of posting is that of a troll. If you sincerely wanted to discuss things for the education of the consumer and for yourself, you would conduct yourself quite differently. Thus, your posts are not taken seriously.
  7. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.

    I don't get it.
    Everyone uses the anti-virus program of their choice.

    Why slam NOD32?
    You prefer AVG..That's your choice.So be it.

    I can understand having a sense of pride in various software that you(or I for that matter) use.
    But a "mine's better than your's" or "so and so is going down"argument is better left at the "play ground".IMO
  8. adiel

    adiel Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    Ok..i agree to "the Tester"sorry for acting this way..and the point is that i would'nt have posted again here only if a person like rody was not a can a person become a moderator even when he does not even know how to ACT like a moderator...

    if i posted something that was not what people wanted to hear...this so called moderator could have said something to convince me..instead of all those stupid i just posted here to show this so called mod..that AVG is better as he called AVG with some other stupid name....

    Sorry to other respectable Admins here..if they did'nt like my post will not happen again.
  9. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    "the point is that i would'nt have posted again here only if a person like rody was not a moderator.."

    That's what trolls do. Lame excuse for such behavior, IMO. Others are not responsible for your behavior from your very first posting here.

    As for you're wanting to be convinced, again, as noted previously, your conduct has been such that you are only interested in convincing others, without providing any objective facts subject to scrutiny. You evidently aren't interested in reviewing or discussing any other information except for your views. If you had been you would have conducted yourself differently then and certainly now.

    Your postings, in tone, content and language, again have not shown anyone anything except that you are not interested in a serious discussion of the subject.

    Given that one of your previous threads was locked and a subsequent thread was removed from this forum to another, that's might be regarded by some as a clue as to how the mods regard threads such as this. Again, on other boards they would have been summarily deleted unless you were clearly interested in a discussion rather than posting "I'm right and you're wrong. nyah nyah nyah" types of posts.
  10. adiel

    adiel Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    i think don't read well..this thread is not about my views..i was just reffering to a av test..that was not conducted by me...the only reason for my first post was that i was DISAPPOINTED by nod32...after visiting this forum i had high hopes about nod32..but it disappointed me..and if in that state i posted something that you people did'nt like you could have told me some real facts rather than telling me about those awards which mean nothing to me. people too are not right about AVG...i just wanted to show you that page so you should understand this fact..
  11. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    I read your post here as well as your other threads and posts. And this thread, the title and indeed your reason for posting in this forum is precisely in furtherance of your previously stated views.

    The Rokop test is not about bottom line detection of malware, but specifically about detection in packed and encrypted format. Again, as Wizard indicated, all the AV"s do detect the malware tested. It is simply the detection of malware in packed and encrypted format that is being tested. And the test reveals simply what has already been known and acknowledged: KAV and McAfee are better at that than other AV's including NOD, Norton, etc.

    For some people that is important and critical. For others it isn't as important as the bottom line detection which still results in protection of the PC from infection.

    The VB tests for bottom line detection of viruses, not trojans., and doesn't limit itself to detection in packed format, but whether the AV's do catch and prevent infection from the tested malware. Since those results do not confirm your previously stated views, you ignore the significance and the validity of the tests performed by the VB.

    As you indicate, the VB tests mean nothing to you, so any info that does not support youir views you ignore. If you were truly interested in serious discussion you would have begun your threads here, like others have done, by asking questions, seeking information regarding various tests and what they mean.

    Although you previously were requested to post specific info regarding your informal "tests" which led to your "disappointment" with NOD, you did not. Instead you just insisted on promulgating your own conclusions and admittedly are not open to any information or explanation that may contradict your conclusions.

    Ergo, you only are interested in info that appears to support your views. Hence this thread.
  12. sig

    sig Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    And by the way, I do like AVG. Unfortunately, the various tests I've seen (not just the VB) do not place it as one of the best AV's available. I don't trash it. I would rather that they improve their product to provide a better alternative to other AV's. The better the performance among the AV's available the better it is for the consumers who can find effective protection that runs well on their PC.
  13. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    As you might have noticed, this thread has been moved to "Other Antiviruses".

    Furthermore, bashing mods over here is not tollerated. Last but not least, nothing worthwhile is coming from this thread. Thus: closed.
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