NIS 2009 + "what other software???"

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by R3XNebular, Oct 17, 2008.

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  1. R3XNebular

    R3XNebular Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
    I am using NIS 2009 and liking it very much, however it is so light I feel naked and vulnerable, maybe its all in my head but is there something else to add to the protection, I currently have WINPATROL, NIS2009, and KeyScrambler Free :rolleyes:
  2. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Your alright i guess, i generally try to steer away from norton products but aslong as your carefull you wont need other software and if you did you probably couldent benifit much, if anything add MBAM/SAS an demand.
  3. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Well, I have DefenseWall,Keyscrambler,SAS along with NIS2009. I feel pretty well protected...
  4. Ed_H

    Ed_H Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Any slowdown with that combo?
  5. edd3800

    edd3800 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2007
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I'm using Sandboxie with NIS 2009. It works very well. Kind of boring don't even
    have any tracking cookies. I check the firewall logs from time to time. It always seems like its doing what it suppose to do.
  6. Einsturzende

    Einsturzende Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    unbelievable o_O lightness is cause of vulnerability feeling, try to fragment your disk or downclock your system, maybe feeling of secured system (and idiocy) come back...
    I guess, that is what happens after years of Symantec "convincing", that "good" security must take its victims (in the shape of low system performance)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  7. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    No. Just one kink. I found SAS Pro sometimes shoots up in CPU usage esp. when Browsing. So I disabled real-time protection (since I have NIS2009).

    Thats about it, the system works fine as fiddle.:thumb:
  8. R3XNebular

    R3XNebular Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    lol yes pretty much, my computer has never started this fast with NIS 2009, everything is lightning quick
  9. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    MBAM, SAS, a decent behaviour blocker/HIPS and occasional scans with Cure IT, AVP Tool, F-Secure Easy Clean.
  10. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Hi R3XNebular :)

    On My Laptop..
    I just have NIS 09 and SAS :D

    I only installed SAS on my laptop last week.
    This was after a rather Bazaar situation - Where...
    NIS 09 couldn't update on my Laptop.
    AVG 8 couldn't update on my Desktop.
    The only thing that managed to Fix both...
    Was running a Full Scan with SAS in Safe Mode .. And letting it kill the Cookies.
    Strange But True! :D

    At The Time...
    I was really upset by my Update problem :'(
    But Now...
    I'm glad it happened in a way!
    I probably wouldn't have bothered installing SAS on my Laptop.
    I would have been too worried about it upsetting NIS 09 :doubt:

    Now I've Got - SAS :cool:
    I make sure I keep it updated.
    And I feel safer knowing I've got it as a Back Up to NIS 09

    If you do get SAS .. You only need the Free version ;)
    You know what vijayind was saying...
    Running two lots of security software with Real Time Protection ... Is likely to cause problems anyway :(
    And that's why you only need the Free version of SAS
    The Free SAS doesn't come with Real Time Protection ;)
    Also... It's as quite as a mouse :thumb:
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  11. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Hi Everyone :)

    I Don't Get All This...
    NIS 09 is so much lighter then previous NIS Software :doubt:

    Maybe a lot of you hadn't tried NIS for quite a few years.
    But my fist computer had NIS 06 ... And it was - Light! :)
    I also found...
    NIS 07 .. Light!
    N360 v1 .. Light!

    NIS 08 .. Light!
    N360 v2 .. Not Light :mad:

    NIS 09 .. Not as Light as N360 v1 ... But Lighter than N360 v2

    The Most Heavy Security Suite Ive Ever Tried... McAfee :thumbd:
  12. rolarocka

    rolarocka Guest

    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I am using NIS2009 with SandboxIE and ThreatFire. NIS2009 is so light that i can sacrifice a bit CPU for ThreatFire :)
  13. Ed_H

    Ed_H Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I am giving NIS 2009 another try along with DefenseWall. DefenseWall added to anything makes me feel much more protected.
  14. Einsturzende

    Einsturzende Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    So, N360 v1 was/is lightest one?
  15. rolarocka

    rolarocka Guest

    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Does N360 already have trusted files and norton insight? Thats one of the reasons why NIS2009 is so fast and light.
  16. Graystoke

    Graystoke Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    The San Joaquin Valley, California
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I use MBAM on demand only along with NIS 2009. I don't run MBAM too often, because I feel pretty secure with NIS 2009.
  17. midway40

    midway40 Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2006
    SW MS, USA
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Norton seems to be in a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. Users used to complain of it being too heavy and now it is too light.

    Poor Norton, lol.
  18. hlc

    hlc Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2005
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Norton finally come back in my computer....NIS 2009 is amazing.
  19. JasSolo

    JasSolo Registered Member

    May 9, 2007
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I totally agree....I have the same setup :) :thumb:

  20. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    This thread feels like people happy from their software . Sorry for interrupting the party !

    You must be kidding , people , right ? On what system your Norton is light ?
    How long (minutes/hours) did it take to complete the following with NIS 2009:
    1. Install the program
    2. Enter the license details
    3. Download and install all the necessary updates so that it says "I am up-to-date , no more update necessary"

    I know the answer , just want to read it from you.

    How long does it take to uninstall NIS 2009 ? Uninstall = Uninstall and completely remove all tracks of Symantec ? Is it even possible to remove all tracks of Symantec Norton (even 2009) ? Again - I know the answer , just want to read it from you.
  21. R3XNebular

    R3XNebular Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    bout 4 mins? Uninstall took like two mins for me? is that to slow for you, do you have something better? im sorry im noob i thought that was fast
  22. Ed_H

    Ed_H Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    About 5 minutes combined for 1, 2 and 3.

    Uninstall is still a question for me. I had a problem uninstalling but others did not.

    What are your answers?
  23. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Hi Einsturzende :)

    In My Opinion... Yes it was definitely the lightest :thumb:

    My CPU Monitor never moved off 2% when the computer was sitting idle.
    Even a Full Computer scan was gentle on the CPU :)

    Hi rolarocka :)

    Now please remember..
    I'm not as experienced in computers as you guys.
    But as far as I can remeber...
    No! ... Norton 360 didn't have Norton Insight or Trusted Files.

    Re : Norton 360 v1

    On The Up Side...

    N360 had a Fantastic Pop up Blocker and Ad Blocker :D
    Yes I Know... IE7 has a built in Pop Up Blocker.
    But the N360 Ad Blocker... Did an amazing job!
    If you switched it On & OFF ... You could instantly see the difference on certain websites.
    I wont name - Names
    But lets just say... There is one Forum that goes way over the top with Ads.
    The N360 Ad Blocker ... Wiped The Lot! :cool:

    On The Down Side...

    N360 had one Major Fault :'(
    For some strange reason...
    Symantec took out the Right-Click & Scan function :mad:
    Obviously this didn't go down well :thumbd:

    When Norton 360 v2 Came Out...
    A lot of people switched over .. Because Right-Click & Scan had been put back :D
    Trouble Was...
    Symantec had now taken out the Pop Up Blocker and Ad Blocker :argh:
    N360 v2 was a lot heavier on the CPU when scanning.
    And with the introduction of Idle Scans...
    N360 v 2 Did nothing but... Scan.. Scan.. Scan..
    Sometimes 2 Full Scans a day :mad:
    I hated N360 v2 :thumbd:
    It Was Full Of Bugs!
    I had to... Get Rid :mad:
    That's how I ended up with AVG 8 on my Desktop Computer :rolleyes:

    Just A Note...

    No matter what version of Norton I've had - On...
    Old XP Desktop
    Vista Desktop
    New Vista Laptop

    A Full Scan with Norton... Has always taken roughly the same time - 30 to 40 minutes.

    So as far as Scanning goes...
    Does Norton Insight and Trusted Files ... Work?
    I'm Not Convinced :doubt:
  24. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    Lol. Installing 4 minutes - yes , but I asked Install + update .

    On my testing on fresh XP SP3 (1.86 Ghz dual-core processor , 1 Gb RAM) , it is still the same . Yes , it installed much faster than previous Nortons but still slow . Moreover , I took me so long to create their stupid Norton account before even trying to update . The updates were so big that you can't even imagine , the download - so slugginsh . Count how many minutes were needed ... About about restart after update - sometimes they require it.

    Lucky guy . What about manually cleaning remnants of the product after reboot. If you think that uninstalling 40 minutes is a normal way to handle things and always using the Symantec NRT is OK , then I agree.

    ESET Smart Security installs in less than 2 minutes , requires no reboot , no extra account creating and downloads/installs the updates immediately as a flash without reboot required . ESET updates are much smaller than Norton's , so small that one can hardly notice them.

    I really don't wanna start a fight (and comparison) about this but in my opinion you really can't say Norton is light product (at least compare it to other good products such as ESET's , AVIRA's , etc.) . You'll notice the difference . I am sure I did nothing wrong in my testing . I have been working in this area/business for some years and Symantec/Norton have never been light. May be my vision about lightness is different than yours , who knows.
  25. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    Re: NIS 2009 + what other softwareo_O

    I had some registry keys left overs that Norton removal tool found and it really slowed my system down but the trialing period of NIS 09 was very very positive especially the browsing was super fast the fastest of all suites and even faster then AVG antivirus paid (which i am using right now). Symantec has started to learn the lesson well and done the homework correctly.
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