New Free Setup - Comments?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by optigrab, Sep 25, 2008.

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  1. optigrab

    optigrab Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2002
    Brooklyn/NYC USA
    I've recently set aside KIS2009, and have installed:

    1. Avira Personal (free) AV
    2. Comodo Firewall Pro
    3. Comodo BoClean
    I'm not at all afraid of configuring software, but my goal is for a minimally intrusive setup since my wife doesn't enjoy responding to security dialogue boxes. My security strategy includes regular backup (to a NAS) and imaging (both Paragon and ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery).

    Am I fairly well protected as is, or shall I add to the portfolio?

    I've considered but not yet installed Threatfire and GesWall.
  2. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    You don't need Boclean if you just add SAS or MBAM. yes you are protected
  3. optigrab

    optigrab Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2002
    Brooklyn/NYC USA
    Thanks, but the free versions of SAS and MBAM are not realtime monitors, right? I don't see adding two on-demand scanners as an equivalent replacement for a realtime monitor. Unless you are suggesting that Avira AV + Comodo FW is the only realtime monitor needed... ? BTW, I opted out of the Defense+ when I installed Comodo FW.
  4. Arup

    Arup Guest

    MS Defender in Spynet mode is real time and does its job well with minimal intrusions and works well with Avira free.
  5. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    SAS or MBAM ondemand is at least a thousend times more worth then BoClean realtime.
  6. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    yep and even though i said one of them could be enough and as far as i know there is almost no value in Boclean because i don't think Avira will need its help
  7. xtree

    xtree Registered Member

    Dec 4, 2006
    Geswall is a good choice to defend you against threats coming from the net.
    Also Site Advisor can be useful to minimize risks of browsing and Keyscambler to avoid keyloggers if privacy is a major concern. With Avira on board I would suggest you use a light anti-malware like Winpatrol instead of Bolclean and keep those two on-demand scanners to run them periodically.
    All the above progs have their free versions as well.
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