Just thought the members would be interested in a new ruled based firewall called Visnetic. I am currently running this on my OS and like it. If you like to create rules and have a hands on control of your firewall I thinkyou will like this one. Here is their web site your can try it out for 30 days. http://www.deerfield.com/products/visnetic_firewall/
FYI - There's a little background information on the previous version (prior to this 2.0) of the Visnetic firewall here: https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=8780
I like that firewall and have already played with it a little around, only one problem: much too pricy ($69,95) Ciao, Smokey
Visnetic is a well-known rules-based stateful firewall, but has no application filtering. Therefore, it is probably not suitable for the average home user. It is excellent for inbound protection but not so good for outbound. http://www.pcflank.com/art41a.htm Apparently, Deerfield consider application filtering would make their firewall too unstable and they consider outbound protection should be under the control of an AV program. To support this argument, they sold off their Personal Firewall which had application filtering and they have recently started to sell their own personal AV( uses the Kaspersky engine). Overall, an excellent rules-based firewall which has a very small memory imprint. But it is expensive and probably not for newbies.
Hi musicman .....welcome to Wilders . As I have commented before, VisNetic is an excellent firewall. A little more on the comments by Blackcat and Smokey: In regards to the lack of application filtering, the developer has some comments on this at VisNetic Firewall Blog, that might be worth reading along with his other comments. As for pricing, the main site currently offers Competitive Upgrade Pricing ($29.95). No indication how long that pricing will be in effect for. Regards, CrazyM
Hi CrazyM! I have read the comments of the developer (thanks for the link), and it confirms my opinion, the firewall is fine (better said, excellent), but not for newbies like Blackcat already explained. Ciao, Smokey