I don't have an option to change color?? 1 is for font and 1 is for size.......but, neither one pull down. Basically, none of my options like img tags work. .................................................. http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/3041/clipboard013eu.jpg ...................................................... Hummmm......no attachment option either{I manually added that smilie} http://img288.imageshack.us/img288/2888/clipboard013zn.th.jpg No biggie, I'll be patient
I also got this probably at least 10 times while trying to make that last post. ............................................... http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=clipboard013nq.jpg click on it....I don't know why its not showing up as a pic
Tsk, tsk, drop-lists are for wussies. Real posters type all the VB codes [shadow=green]themselves![/shadow] (see the BB Code List for details).
http://img116.exs.cx/img116/1231/z7shysterical.gif Wellllllll......alrighty. But, instead of taking me a 1/2 an hour to make posts.........that could go up to an hour! HeyIhavecolorsnow!!!!Yippie!!! andmysizesworktoo!!! and http://tags!!!!
Just to make sure you know, the color selector is circled in the image below. As for attachments, and the fact that several of the menus don't 'pull down', there's a lot of javascript around those features, and in the past when people have reported they couldn't do those things, it came down to the security settings in their browser and/or other security filtering software on their PC, blocking it. If you still don't have the Manage Attachment buttons, you'll need to check your browser and security settings for wilderssecurity.com, I'm afraid. In fact, you may need to wipe all cache and restart your browser entirely just in case you had cached versions of the old javascripts... the editor has been entirely rewritten, and old copies of the javascripts cached on your PC would disrupt the new editors running.
Thanks for posting Mike. {I kinda don't understand half of what said..http://tcwozere.co.uk/smileys/scratchhead.gif...hopefully, it'll help someone elsehttp://img115.exs.cx/img115/9916/z4dwink.gif} Everything I know how to use, seems to be working fine now. I like the new grayish color!! And all the little pull~down menus. And also the new way a post is edited. Smilies still look a bit dead......but, that's OK....I've got ways around that. Oh yeah!!, and I really like how the text stays highlighted when ya want to change the size and color ......before ya had to rehighlight.
I'm happy just trying out this list thing Hey!! Thats cool!! http://forum.overnet.com/images/smiles/eusa_think.gifNow, when am I gonna use that?
Code: whats wrap code mean? Hummmm....... Sorry Mike. I had to borrow your important long post. Just to make sure you know, the color selector is circled in the image below. As for attachments, and the fact that several of the menus don't 'pull down', there's a lot of javascript around those features, and in the past when people have reported they couldn't do those things, it came down to the security settings in their browser and/or other security filtering software on their PC, blocking it. If you still don't have the Manage Attachment buttons, you'll need to check your browser and security settings for wilderssecurity.com, I'm afraid. In fact, you may need to wipe all cache and restart your browser entirely just in case you had cached versions of the old javascripts... the editor has been entirely rewritten, and old copies of the javascripts cached on your PC would disrupt the new editors running. Now, thats cool!! too.