Need to align SSD without reinstalling Windows

Discussion in 'Paragon Partition Manager Product Line' started by tsp1965, Jan 9, 2012.

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  1. tsp1965

    tsp1965 Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2012

    I have a W7Pro 64 bit system based on an OCZ Solid SATAII SSD 250MB, which has never performed as fast as I expected. I've finally figured out that when I built the system I didn't set SATA to AHCI beforehand, so I have now enabled the windows driver in the registry and the bios. However, I still have the problem that W7 was installed on the SSD set to IDE which means the alignment is wrong (AS SSD Benchmark reports that the offset/alignment @4k cluster 31k BAD). On another forum I have been advised that I need to either fully reinstall W7 and everything onto a wiped and reformatted ssd or buy a Paragon product which can do it for me without reinstalling. As it usually takes 2 days to completely wipe and reinstall I am keen not to do this if I can avoid it!

    Problem is that the Paragon products have been updated since the post I was reading and I can't figure out which product I need.

    Could someone please advise me which product to buy and how to do it - I'm a home user on a budget so I don't want to buy more features than I need.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Robin A.

    Robin A. Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2006
  3. tsp1965

    tsp1965 Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Thanks very much - found it now.
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